77 The Amish have joined our side. (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by Not_an_Alphabet_Boy 4 years ago by Not_an_Alphabet_Boy +80 / -3 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
It’s amazing what the Amish can do with super outdated, borderline useless tech. Like horse carts and drum mags.
hell cart
hell buggy
Country boy from Indiana. YT has taken his best stuff down.
Do you know his YT? Apparently he’s the one that organized a huge truck rally close to where I live a while back
Nvm I remembered
This fuckin' idiot shot himself in the forehead with a 50BMG and lived to make a fucking video about it.
The madman tried shooting through multiple steel plates from maybe 3 feet away lol.
The most bad ass thing I ever heard was an Amish telling a burglar he'll blow a hole in his own wall and the burglar best get out the way.
I'd have just shot the burglar but this crazy ass shoots his own house.
its alright, he can rebuild in 2.5 seconds