46 Remember when Hawaiian shirts instantly became white supremacy (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 3 years ago by GNN_RNR 3 years ago by GNN_RNR +46 / -0 13 comments download share 13 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Maybe some of us just like magnum PI.
Loose fitting, comfortable shirts with non-linear patterns are great at concealing items around our waist.
Fuckin glowies ruined me being able to carry my fannie pack on the down low, and now everyone assumes I'm packing heat.
I'm bringing back the medieval tunic. Covers the waist entirely, plus you get to wear two belts.
I'm also bringing back the Iroquois-style assless chaps but that's for unrelated reasons.
Nah, I'm just stuck in the 80s and unfashionable.
Wait, fuck, it's not still 1988?
Maybe i do drink too much....
No shit, man.
Or Nick Slaughter.