So using head mounted binocular type light amplification optics, is it a trivial task to dip tendies in sauce packet, or are there challenges with focus and depth perception? Do you set one optic to focus near and one far? Does the caloric intake of tendies w/ sauce overcome the energy required to hold rifle at ready with primary hand while also operating the tendies and sauce packet retention device? Finally, I'm not entirely sure I would mount sauce packet to a rifle as I can see the possibility that as I'm approaching a corner, an adversary could take control of my tendie sauce before I am able to employ retention techniques. I would much rather have the tendie sauce mounted in the high center of the vest so I could look like a retard doing a chicken wing move and get sauce in my beard.
So using head mounted binocular type light amplification optics, is it a trivial task to dip tendies in sauce packet, or are there challenges with focus and depth perception? Do you set one optic to focus near and one far? Does the caloric intake of tendies w/ sauce overcome the energy required to hold rifle at ready with primary hand while also operating the tendies and sauce packet retention device? Finally, I'm not entirely sure I would mount sauce packet to a rifle as I can see the possibility that as I'm approaching a corner, an adversary could take control of my tendie sauce before I am able to employ retention techniques. I would much rather have the tendie sauce mounted in the high center of the vest so I could look like a retard doing a chicken wing move and get sauce in my beard.
These are the important things no one is asking.
Sauce is fine, why do you fuck it?