34 it's almost like their beginning to understand. (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 3 years ago by How_To_Freedom 3 years ago by How_To_Freedom +34 / -0 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
You pay their taxes.
They use your taxes to pay for their extremely expensive weaponry and munitions.
Since you’re armed, they can’t just send a guy with a pistol to gulag you.
They have to use their extremely expensive weapons to safely kill you.
They have to use the taxes you gave them to kill the thing that gave them the taxes.
big brain
Better dead than red
how could we have been so blind?
it all makes sense now
Redtard: "War is peace, let us oppress you and your dissenting opinion. Also I eat my own ass"
Hmmmm maybe I shouldn’t choose to relegate myself to dying huddled under a desk with my pants full of shit
id rather die charging a fucker with a jade buddah paperweight. I either crater their head or I don't. My God gives an A for effort.
say i can't down a helicopter with an AK-74 and see that I will. Su-wee mothafucka!
I’ll do it with a 10mm hipoint carbine let’s fuckin party