I had a couple of those taco pouches with the stacked pistol mags. I don't anymore. Try getting in and out of a vehicle with this rig and you might see why. Or not -- everyone is a little different in terms of what works.
Either way, I don't see much dirt. Make sure you get some range time in, and preferably run some vehicle and house drills in your gear. You learn things.
It's been to a few parts of the world now, I like it because it holds hydration, a folded AR, and doesn't have molle. Comes with a weird waterproof cover that I don't use though
Is that a brace? Use a stock like a grown up.
No toes, free rail space, no meth.
Does the 1913 rule only apply to 1913?
No. It's just called the 1913 rule. All rail space must be filled.
No hi point
no tactical dragon dildo 5/10
Having said that, we have reasonably similar gear setups. Any roast would likely apply to mine.
But do you have wish.com NODs
Ya know, those things on your chest rig could probably fit in your ass. Take ‘em off, and embrace the zap.
Them things work?
Like a charm, until you hit them on anything
where banana
All of this gear is shit. How did I do?
No x products "just as good" drum. Big sad.
I had a couple of those taco pouches with the stacked pistol mags. I don't anymore. Try getting in and out of a vehicle with this rig and you might see why. Or not -- everyone is a little different in terms of what works.
Either way, I don't see much dirt. Make sure you get some range time in, and preferably run some vehicle and house drills in your gear. You learn things.
I did run into that in the car, but I can rely on the chest mags and just getting out of the bullet magnet for that situation
how many ops you got under that battle belt
A few trips to the fridge
Bothers me that nothing matches. Also- desert camo on the AR? DO YOU LIVE IN IRAQ?
Do you not?
Nah, I like everything I see here.
I bet you wore your own carriers to weekend warrior practice but didn't have any plates innem . Sweet backpack but I think the belt is oper9tional.
I wore my own Safariland because I didn't like my gun getting stuck in the serpa holster, but other than that only shitssued gear
Mall attire?
Wuts the green tubes?
Lol that's a Sionyx Aurora. Good NVGs until you bump into literally anything
10 4 but I meant the two green dildos on the front of your chest rig.
Oh my bad. Thyrm cellvaults, they hold 3 cr123s each
Thanks. I may just post my rig so there's actually something to bash.
It's been to a few parts of the world now, I like it because it holds hydration, a folded AR, and doesn't have molle. Comes with a weird waterproof cover that I don't use though