Even better when you lean in just enough to look at their wares on their table, when suddenly the seller's hands start to sweat in excitement, they tactically drop their McDonalds 'burger' and take a pull from their diet coke while they struggle to get their fat ass out of the chair. Just as they open their mouth to hawk, you let out a loud 'HA' for the nearby tables to hear and walk away.
Some say to this day that seller stills mutters 'I know what I got..' Under their breath.
I like going to gun shows and looking at the exorbitant prices. It's almost as much fun as looking at all the guns
Even better when you lean in just enough to look at their wares on their table, when suddenly the seller's hands start to sweat in excitement, they tactically drop their McDonalds 'burger' and take a pull from their diet coke while they struggle to get their fat ass out of the chair. Just as they open their mouth to hawk, you let out a loud 'HA' for the nearby tables to hear and walk away.
Some say to this day that seller stills mutters 'I know what I got..' Under their breath.