Only thing about that video that irked me was how he autistically insisted on pumping even when he knew he intended to load a different shell in, causing a live shell that could have stayed in the magazine to be ejected.
I can hear their soft paws disturb the gravel outside my shelter. They're afraid but curious. After not to long one of the braver utter it's mating call UWU! What's this!?
The rainbow coloured anti-fursonnel mine with a suction cup dildo mounted on it has been too inviting.
"Now lets crunch the numbers of the effectiveness of shooting with one hand, while resting the rifle on the wheel to simulate a wounded arm... Hold still you Fur-Fags!"
Paul Harrell about to make another great instructional video.
Shotgun may not be the best weapon for foam armor, but maybe he's gonna demonstrate the versatility of ammo options by loading 1 oz slugs.
Only thing about that video that irked me was how he autistically insisted on pumping even when he knew he intended to load a different shell in, causing a live shell that could have stayed in the magazine to be ejected.
Like, you can just choose not pump it Paul.
autistically pumps harder
Wait, you're saying i don't have to pump it all the time?
I bet Paul could get half a dozen costumed faggots with a single slug if they stay lined up like that for him.
I can hear their soft paws disturb the gravel outside my shelter. They're afraid but curious. After not to long one of the braver utter it's mating call UWU! What's this!?
The rainbow coloured anti-fursonnel mine with a suction cup dildo mounted on it has been too inviting.
"Now lets crunch the numbers of the effectiveness of shooting with one hand, while resting the rifle on the wheel to simulate a wounded arm... Hold still you Fur-Fags!"
Saint Paul,
This is quality
fucker, you made me laugh and no one in the room will understand
Suck a butt