How fucking retarded are these tax funded assholes? Apparently pretty God damned retarded. So many safety devices available and these tax payer paid commie dipshits can't even put a chamber flag much less even a trigger lock, God I fucking hate commies.
In a just world this fuck would be on charges for gross misconduct.
In a non-clown world his career would be over and he would be a laughing stock in the legal world.
In this strange time? This fuck prolly already has a book deal.
Take the honk pill until people regain their sense or otherwise this mad clown world will drive you crazy
buy big pew pew and take up woodoworking until its needed.
This is the route for the ‘tists who overcome their ‘tism.
God love us, I hope so.
Call of fooly - modern clown
I can doo better need to think on this
How fucking retarded are these tax funded assholes? Apparently pretty God damned retarded. So many safety devices available and these tax payer paid commie dipshits can't even put a chamber flag much less even a trigger lock, God I fucking hate commies.