If I lost everything and was given around $500 to arm myself for whatever, I'd get a used 19, a few more mags, an aiwb holster and fill the mags up 124+P bonded jacket hollow points. Give me another $100 or so and I'll throw night sights on it.
The other thing about used Glocks is you can replace about every part that isn't the frame, slide or barrel for like $60-70, so you could dig it out of a foot of silt under a bridge somewhere and have a shooter in an hour tops including time spent scrubbing it with a toothbrush.
I loved my Glock until I realized theres a ton of better stuff out there. Once a I put a new trigger in it I still like it a little bit, just not my first choice to go plinking at the range with or CCW.
What’s wrong with a Glock?
I mean aside from the fact that they look like ass, the grip angle is terrible, and they are missing a bunch of features. What else is wrong?
It rhymes with cock, so it’s good enough for me.
Glocks are a fine generic handgun.
If I lost everything and was given around $500 to arm myself for whatever, I'd get a used 19, a few more mags, an aiwb holster and fill the mags up 124+P bonded jacket hollow points. Give me another $100 or so and I'll throw night sights on it.
The other thing about used Glocks is you can replace about every part that isn't the frame, slide or barrel for like $60-70, so you could dig it out of a foot of silt under a bridge somewhere and have a shooter in an hour tops including time spent scrubbing it with a toothbrush.
I loved my Glock until I realized theres a ton of better stuff out there. Once a I put a new trigger in it I still like it a little bit, just not my first choice to go plinking at the range with or CCW.
I appreciate them for what they are. They revolutionized the industry, so I’m glad they exist, but I’m not buying any.
Wanna know why I EDC a glock 17? Because I'm willing to lose it to the state if I have to use it in self defense.
Anyone using an expensive gun as a concealed carry gun is risking losing it.