We know the FBI likes to 'keep an eye on' mentally unstable men. Who's more mentally unstable than a loser transvestite illegal alien who lives with his grandmother?
Are there any legitimate sources for the shooter being a transvestite or an illegal because all
I’ve seen are shitty photos on 4chan that definitely are not the same person and yes I’m being a fag asking for a source
We're in a post-truth society. The left is going to alter the saturation of his photograph and call him a white supremacist, and I'm going to call him a tranny.
Probably not a tranny but his friend did say that he was bullied for his choice of clothing. /pol/ is 50% bots, 49% mouthbreathing retards, and 1% insightful posters, which is still orders of magnitude better than pl*bbit, Twatter, and Faceberg. Most likely scenario is that he’s just another case of an angry guy with no job prospects, no future, and nothing to lose, beaten down by a decaying, morally degenerate society. Many such cases
We know the FBI likes to 'keep an eye on' mentally unstable men. Who's more mentally unstable than a loser transvestite illegal alien who lives with his grandmother?
Are there any legitimate sources for the shooter being a transvestite or an illegal because all I’ve seen are shitty photos on 4chan that definitely are not the same person and yes I’m being a fag asking for a source
We're in a post-truth society. The left is going to alter the saturation of his photograph and call him a white supremacist, and I'm going to call him a tranny.
If he's a leftist there's a roughly 100% chance he's some kind of deviant or pervert anyways.
I'm reporting you to your branch manager for extremist views against your agency
Probably not a tranny but his friend did say that he was bullied for his choice of clothing. /pol/ is 50% bots, 49% mouthbreathing retards, and 1% insightful posters, which is still orders of magnitude better than pl*bbit, Twatter, and Faceberg. Most likely scenario is that he’s just another case of an angry guy with no job prospects, no future, and nothing to lose, beaten down by a decaying, morally degenerate society. Many such cases
Dude was broken inside. He chose elementary/middle school kids as his targets, didnt want a chance of someone fighting back.