I think it's fun how often you get details wrong when you try to guess anything about me or my actual life. You're really bad at profiling fed boy.
You also go way too easily to the reactionary "hur hur go suck ____'s dick".
You could have readily pointed out the substantial military aid we give Israel every year as a negative and a sign of political graft as Israel doesn't need that.
But no, you instead are too eager to show how incompetent you are.
Has anyone ever been proud of anything you have done? I kinda doubt it.
I think it's fun how often you get details wrong when you try to guess anything about me or my actual life. You're really bad at profiling fed boy.
You also go way too easily to the reactionary "hur hur go suck ____'s dick".
You could have readily pointed out the substantial military aid we give Israel every year as a negative and a sign of political graft as Israel doesn't need that.
But no, you instead are too eager to show how incompetent you are.
Has anyone ever been proud of anything you have done? I kinda doubt it.
We are absolutely allowed to criticize whatever country we want to
Lmao wrong. It's illegal to criticize Israel in 26 states and a loyalty oath is required for all public employees.
Lmao Jesus at least find some real news
I don't call everyone a fed, just obviously glowing faggots such as yourself.
Also, you're allowed to say whatever you want to infiltrate us hate groups.
Holy shit you're bad at talking.
He's really just here to make me look bad as the other fed on this site
We're all feds.
Stay mad
Who's mad agent I-N-C-E-L?
All I'm doing is getting my tax dollars worth out of you by amusement.
You're such a fucking disgrace it's been fun to point it out.
Don't feel bad, hoover was into cross dressing too.