Tyrone and Monique make me proud every day you insensitive bastard. They love going to the range every weekend with pop-pop. Tyrone calls the other kids who aim sideways faggots and Monique is already shooting at a 3rd grade level!
That means she's a better shot than most federal agents!
I'm looking forward to them getting reparation money so I can spend it on that sweet sig rifle that just came out.
Hey guys! It's the FBI's worst gay black diversity hire ever!
How you doing agent I-N-C-E-L? You get any of those nasty right wing extremists yet you walking advertisement for abortion?
I haven't found any. They're all boomers, cucks and degenerates.
Well don't worry, I'm sure all you burgeoning young trannies will sort it all out for us older folks.
Don't forget to keep dilating your groin cavity agent diversity hire.
Thanks, guy from the meme. Kiss your mulatto grandchildren goodnight for me and remind them to grow up big and strong so they can die for Israel.
Tyrone and Monique make me proud every day you insensitive bastard. They love going to the range every weekend with pop-pop. Tyrone calls the other kids who aim sideways faggots and Monique is already shooting at a 3rd grade level!
That means she's a better shot than most federal agents!
I'm looking forward to them getting reparation money so I can spend it on that sweet sig rifle that just came out.
L'chaim federal cuck-boy!