"And lo, to put out fires and provide succor the Saint came unto them and did deliver his wrath upon the child molesting communists and doth blew the arm off a grandma beater.
He wanted to help out in his community and make some money and a mob decided he should die and he protected himself then a bigger mob decided he should rot in a cell for it.
He didn't deserve any of that and I wish him luck in winning lawsuits to pay off his debts from legal representation. Doesn't really make him a celebrity.
I just want people like him not to go through what he was subjected to.
"And lo, to put out fires and provide succor the Saint came unto them and did deliver his wrath upon the child molesting communists and doth blew the arm off a grandma beater.
He saw his work and thought it good."
Yeah, though he walked through the street of the shadow of clown, he feared no pedo; for stoner's gun is with him, his mags and his sling comfort him.
The Lord has made his enemies to clowneth before him. His magazine runneth not empty.
May goodness and mercy follow him all the days of his life, and may the corrupt DA be judged for his iniquity.
Gangsigns signify two ded, one left alive
The more I see of this kid the more he seems like a retarded douche
He's just a kid.
He wanted to help out in his community and make some money and a mob decided he should die and he protected himself then a bigger mob decided he should rot in a cell for it.
He didn't deserve any of that and I wish him luck in winning lawsuits to pay off his debts from legal representation. Doesn't really make him a celebrity.
I just want people like him not to go through what he was subjected to.
He seems touched by the ‘tism, imo…