79 Still saving for my bipod (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by Frisky-Dingo 4 years ago by Frisky-Dingo +79 / -0 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This actually is my one departure from the 870 for shotguns. It’s the tec-12, a clone of the M3.
I thought that had a distinctive Benelli look. Always was curious about the m3. I have an M4 and fucking love it.
Combat shotguns are the tiiiiits.
We talking M1897s or what?
No, I’m an 870 fan boi although I inherited an M1897 from me grandpappy
Those do kick ass.
It’s functioned without a failure so far. LOP is a bit long though.
That seems to be a common problem with Benellis too. I put a mesa tactical stock on my supernova and that worked great. The collapsible on my M4 looks cool af but still doesn't have the lop right.