50 First painted gat, now steppers cant see me (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by borntofeel 4 years ago by borntofeel +50 / -0 11 comments download share 11 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
You should have painted it camouflage to the carpet
Considering it sits on carpet most of the time, my autistic ass would lose it
Maaaaaa! Did the ATF come by and take my shit?!?! Is the doggo ok?!?!
Looking to get one, but most qd mounted options are more expensive than I'd like and ammo has sucked my wallet dry
sling is important, 550 cord it to yourself. Don't let peaceful protesters strip you of your protection
I too greatly enjoy the sig romeo 5. The mount needs loctite or replacement though. It absolutely will shake loose and lose your zero.
That's a nice, kinda distinctive camo pattern. I like it.
You need bigger shoes, your toes are hanging the fuck off.
Got that Cena job