Everyone's always arguing about small arms. Obviously, we need to repeal the NFA, and all the other laws against third holing.
But, in order to overthrow an oppressive regime, we the people need more than just small arms. INB4 "heavy artillery" and "muh nukes". We the people, have a right to both ICBMs and tactical nuclear weapons. But, that's not what this is about.
What about medium artillery? Next time you're bragging about your collection, tac gear, and defense plan, please ask yourself: "how many howitzers do I own?"
Dogs were barking today so I look outside and two guys with matching shirts were on either side of my backyard fence. They were a good 200 ft away with a 6 ft dog fence separating the yard so I didn't feel the need to immediately grab my revolver. I called out to them and they said they were surveyors for the title company (I'm in the middle of selling my house). Most people don't request a survey when buying a house unless they have immediate plans to put up a fence or something. Either way they should have let me know they were coming because if I noticed them when they were closer to the house I may have come back with some steel in my hand before asking them to identify themselves.
I agree they have no business but, that doesn't mean no one will ever show up. I get it if, you put them way in the back and out of the way. Just be careful, some girlscouts might try to sell you cookies one day....
I've always wanted a Dshka. And a toyota.
Lame serious talk though, not sure I stand on explosives. From a purist view yeah, we need them. But in practice, I think their use for commie-related terrorism is higher than just using a 20mm ATR.
Phase one of my goal in life is to create a multi-billion dollar internet company selling coffee, wine, and chocolates to SJW's. When the market cap is high enough, phase two begins. I will quit the company, cash out 100% of my stock holdings, and have one hydrogen bomb custom-made for me. I will then polish it daily and sleep with it each night. That is all -- there are only two phases.
"Militia" is plural. This clearly is for team environment military tactics. Therefore Squad Automatic Weapons and crew operated artillery are constitutionally protected.
I wont be happy or feel like my rights are not infringed until i can drive around in a willie's jeep with a davy crockett mounted and mr carl g riding shotgun with a belly full o thermobaric fun.
That's completely wrong. Jefferson while in the white house, ordered Louisiana to stop confiscating the cannons of a private vessel. Jefferson said "You should hve as many cannons on your ship as it can hold"
Congress was expressly granted the power to issue letters of marque and reprisal - that requires that normal citizens own private warships, because without warships in private hands you cant issue letters of marque
You can't leave a cannonball tied to a flip phone and leave it in a church. I'm undecided on the subject, where do you draw the line, unironically? Is the risk of terror use worth the military advantage?
private ownership of ordnance-baring warships via letters of marque had been a thing for nearly 500 years before America was founded. While yes, the second amendment is quite clearly about private ownership of arms I'm sure the founding fathers did not intend to limit the baring of ordnance.
Everyone's always arguing about small arms. Obviously, we need to repeal the NFA, and all the other laws against third holing.
But, in order to overthrow an oppressive regime, we the people need more than just small arms. INB4 "heavy artillery" and "muh nukes". We the people, have a right to both ICBMs and tactical nuclear weapons. But, that's not what this is about.
What about medium artillery? Next time you're bragging about your collection, tac gear, and defense plan, please ask yourself: "how many howitzers do I own?"
If you had crew served weapons you'd probably have friends.
There is a M3 anti tank gun on gunbroker. Just small enough that 1 person can operate it effectively
Dead men don't sue. If that fudd with the shotgun trap had just left the trap at face height, hed have been better off. Imho.
It is illeagal because, youre gonna kill meter readers, any paramedics that come to your house and, stray kids,
I heard "tax assessor" and everything went kinda red and I heard Liberty Prime in my head.
Dogs were barking today so I look outside and two guys with matching shirts were on either side of my backyard fence. They were a good 200 ft away with a 6 ft dog fence separating the yard so I didn't feel the need to immediately grab my revolver. I called out to them and they said they were surveyors for the title company (I'm in the middle of selling my house). Most people don't request a survey when buying a house unless they have immediate plans to put up a fence or something. Either way they should have let me know they were coming because if I noticed them when they were closer to the house I may have come back with some steel in my hand before asking them to identify themselves.
Ya man, that shit happens. That is exactly why booby traps are illegal.
If the mail man can't get to it, the public has no business being there
I agree they have no business but, that doesn't mean no one will ever show up. I get it if, you put them way in the back and out of the way. Just be careful, some girlscouts might try to sell you cookies one day....
I wish I had an 81mm mortar.
I've always wanted a Dshka. And a toyota. Lame serious talk though, not sure I stand on explosives. From a purist view yeah, we need them. But in practice, I think their use for commie-related terrorism is higher than just using a 20mm ATR.
Synthesizing explosives in a non-weapon, non-commercial context is completely legal, along with using them.
Blowing up a tree is often the safest way of removing it, and I have a bad back so I wasnt going to use a chainsaw regardless
Also, fuck hydraulic hammers. They beat the shit out of equipment. Explosives and clean up the mess are far superior.
I can tell you that a potato "cannon" firing D sized batteries wrapped in electrical tape to fit the barrel, will knock the hell out of a seagull.
Not sure if that counts or not. Goddamn I miss high school.
Phase one of my goal in life is to create a multi-billion dollar internet company selling coffee, wine, and chocolates to SJW's. When the market cap is high enough, phase two begins. I will quit the company, cash out 100% of my stock holdings, and have one hydrogen bomb custom-made for me. I will then polish it daily and sleep with it each night. That is all -- there are only two phases.
I want an M240 Bravo and someone else to pay for the ammunition.
I don't think I personally have space for a cannon but the idea is exciting.
sign up for the military
Too old, fat and I hate shaving and authority.
If the military uses it to kill people, it is an arm and protected by the 2A.
The SC, in Dred Scott style, have determined that completely irrelevant things are relevant. They are wrong. And there is only nine of them.
"Militia" is plural. This clearly is for team environment military tactics. Therefore Squad Automatic Weapons and crew operated artillery are constitutionally protected.
I wont be happy or feel like my rights are not infringed until i can drive around in a willie's jeep with a davy crockett mounted and mr carl g riding shotgun with a belly full o thermobaric fun.
I love you.
M777? Hard part is buying the tow vehicle, MK23s are pricey AF
Great, now I want an RPG
Imagine how cheap they would be minus paperwork fees
"Arms" and "ordnance" - there's a difference.
The Founders meant for each of us to be equipped with the standard loadout of an infantryman.
That's completely wrong. Jefferson while in the white house, ordered Louisiana to stop confiscating the cannons of a private vessel. Jefferson said "You should hve as many cannons on your ship as it can hold"
Congress was expressly granted the power to issue letters of marque and reprisal - that requires that normal citizens own private warships, because without warships in private hands you cant issue letters of marque
Does "come and take it" flag have a picture of a musket on it?
You can't leave a cannonball tied to a flip phone and leave it in a church. I'm undecided on the subject, where do you draw the line, unironically? Is the risk of terror use worth the military advantage?
I don't. I think I need my own ICBM.
I want to mount a 50 cal on the back of my Prius.
"Arms" and "ordnance" - one of these is not like the other.
The Founders intended that -each- of us carry the loadout of a standard infantry rifleman.
But I'm down with having a radio to call in air.
private ownership of ordnance-baring warships via letters of marque had been a thing for nearly 500 years before America was founded. While yes, the second amendment is quite clearly about private ownership of arms I'm sure the founding fathers did not intend to limit the baring of ordnance.
Jefferson directly said "You should have as many cannons as it can hold" in response to Louisiana taking a private captians cannons