I see you're mad that someone smarter than stupid entered the thread. So mad in fact you can't even read. Don't worry, I'll get your bottle for you soon. Maybe then you'll calm down enough to be able to read a 4 word sentence, interpret it correctly, and also respond correctly. Think you can do that after a couple suckles on the nipple? I believe you can. Also, it's an aimpoint, like I said.
The moral of a fight is to win. No one who loses will ever be consoled by being the only one to win defeat through their adherence to what is "moral".
The same people you are protecting through such modern ideas as "tolerating the enemy within" or "not purging the saboteurs" will be our demise.
These same people would sooner see you dead and your memory damned than to tolerate you merely existing within the same world as them. Such ideas as freedom for all only exist when everyone agrees that they do. The people who work and strive to destroy you and everyone else they do not see as a friend are not to be retained.
Even if not active participants, these people are all too eager to enlist someone else to enforce their will on me.
They must be physically removed, and if they resist, so be it.
With a mono wheel