User name matches scenario. Dreaming of a day when 5.56 is back to under $0.30, and 7.62x39 is back under $0.20.
Something I've wondered, does anyone think it's possible to build a flintlock speed loader? Eg. A holster rig that could automatically load a pistol with a rolled paper cartridge, ram it, and prime the pan?
The US may not have your "racial integrity" or whatever you call for. And who gives a damn about there being different pockets of ethnicities in this country. Being able to have a traditional American breakfast, traditional tacos, and authentic Taiwanese cuisine all in the same day is one of the great things about this country, and all of them can live their traditional cultures. The thing that all Americans should be United under are the ideals of freedom, Liberty, personal responsibility, and respect. For the purposes of this discussion, Who gives a damn what color skin the person beside you has as long as they're standing beside you? All that most good men and women want is to be left to live their lives in peace, and we should be able to stand together in defense of that against those who would force a different way of life upon us, whether a criminal gang, a corrupt police, a foreign power, or a tyrannical govt.
It's all fun and games till someone brings out the Greek fire.
And may you always have affordable steaks and .45 rnds
Boog boots become bad boots?
Sometime commie too close for big iron most effective. Need littler iron for close commies. Needs littlest iron for commies point blank. Need 🅱️ig 🅱️ronze and scent of grapeshot for battling redcoats.
Big iron mk. 1? Idk kinda looks like a Navy cap and ball revolver (colt 1851).
The 2nd is there to give the people (and by extension, the document) teeth.
Enjoying the win, but won't rest till I own a harem of 4 stamp free ma deuces and 4 stamp free dshks and a big Bertha howitzer.
In all seriousness though given how things are falling apart I feel like there's going to be a massive comms blackout, and when the lights come back on pieces will have magically moved on the board.
Instructions unclear. Have pig hooked up to xmitter. All that happens is pig starts running and jumping around when I turn it on. Not getting good signal at rcvr. Please advise.
Anyone concerned about an upcoming communications blackout?
Lol might get shipped to you before 2025...
The Target in Portland has a special on plates and some carrying baskets. Sure you could also get a helmet too. All you gotta do is hang a tman won sign off the roof and you can get all the plates you want for free.
changes hat and walks next door thank you for being patient while we're dealing with staffing shortages. Welcome to Wendy's. May I take your order?
No problem. Now please drive forward to the next window, and leave any friends/family members who are hoplophobic in the can bedside this window. And thank you for choosing Arby's.
Same deal. Without watching the vid the tldr version is that WW2 vets coming back home to Athens TN found a corrupt sheriff and local govt/political machine had taken over while they were taking care of business overseas. The local steppers tried to seize the ballot boxes for creative counting at the jail. The vets proceeded to shoot and dynamite the jail until the steppers surrendered. Bonus fact: the corrupt sheriff and election commissioner fled in an ambulance during the middle of the jail siege.
Haven't watched video yet, but this IS the reason we have the 2nd. Corrupt sheriff and local govt vs pissed off WW2 vets and local citizens. Anywho..., Welcome to Arby's can I take your order?
Toes and a side folder? Krinky
How does that fauci fuckup get paid so much then? Wish I could be that wrong and flop so many times but still have a job, let alone get that level of pay.
Not directly guns related (yet)- thoughts on the Australia situations and probability of that shit happening here? Lockdown to the extreme + building concentration camps?
I mean the meme about personnel being up to date on equality and harassment training but deficient on actual warfighting skills isn't that far off the mark it seems.
Find the boogpeople. Go to Afghanistan. Embrace the autistic side. Enter a random cave, and come out later covered in blood and spent powder carrying a mall ninja'd Khyber pass kalashnabrengewehr-15/47 of '69. Establish the new republic of Best Gunnistan. Invite meth and ammo factories.
Become the chosen one you were meant to be.