Who'd have thought a "Don't tell anyone about this place." rule would have any possible ramifications.
yeah, well, i'm still here
also, it's just not as fun when you can brigade and troll r/againsthatesubreddits lol
i do to friend
....i do to....
Vandura, choice of a crack commando team sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit.
For fucks sake you self righteous fucking edgelord, get the fuck over yourself.
just saying, we use the good times to prepare for the bad times.
why the fuck would you ever live in New Jersey?
idk, maybe someone was born there?
Move to a real state.
idk if it's quite that simple bud, you should prepare for the bad times, not hope that the good times remain forever.
You really don't think that any dark web place isn't 60% feds already?
doesn't stop the fact that we will be harder to track on the darkweb.
Seriously, go get some fresh air and get laid. You're gonna be better off.
people like you said the exact same shit when the 1934 national firearms act passed,
the bad times are coming, sooner or later they will be here, and when they come and if you are alive for it, don't say no one warned you.
deer blind?
what is a deer blind?
Will nevertheless point out that we post nothing here that justifies the hassle of running unindexed.
last time i checked it's a felony to possess 3d gun files in new jersey,
we need a place like ctrl pew on the dark web, a place where we can speak in peace and without the chilling effect.
Bud, I think you need to take a deep breath and go outside.
if you don't want to listen to me, that's fine, don't say no one warned you,
You can't win playing your enemy's game.
again i agree, so utilize a tool like the internet against your enemy, make it hard for them to see you, track you, find you.
Few options there. Go innawoods, head to international waters on a boat,
i'm literally telling you how and exactly how to keep using the internet while placing yourself outside of your enemies reach, and your saying the only option is innawoods and international waters?
running away is the cowards approach as far as i'm concerned.
Why the fuck would you think I'm not speaking my mind now?
last time i checked it was a felony to possess 3d gun files on your computer,
And they know who you are and they know what porn you were looking up before and after that post. It's just that no one cares very much.
i love you dude but you are just not thinking it through, if you want to come on here and shit talk joe biden, aces, no one is going to stop you doing that
when the day comes that you want to stop shit talking, knuckle down and start producing some problem solvers in your garage, then the feds are gonna start paying attention, and they will use all the shit you talked to as an excuse and pretext to raid your house
i'm sick of this censorious, surveillance bullshit, i want a place not just for shit talking, but for guys who want to start "ensuring" their rights outside of the purview of the government
"that's what a fed would say" yeah? fine, i'm a fed, i'm a fed for suggesting we make it harder for them to catch us, i'm a fed for suggesting we educate and rely on our selves for firearms and not government licensed businesses and background checks
the point is, i want to do more then just shit talk and look at porn on the internet, i want to ensure my rights outside of the government.
Every social media network or forum is a fed honeypot
on the clearweb your right, i suggest we make it hard for them to find us.
We need to create like a honeypot.win forum where we post content fully acknowledging the feds are watching.
the very instant the federal red flag law passes, (and it will) everyone that posts there will be red flagged, your guns will be taken away and be made functionally impossible to get back,
if you want to die in a "blaze of glory" and have the left wing media use your death to push more gun control, that's fine, but remember this
"united we fight, divided we die"
I want them to know who I am and that I’m spitting in their face.
and when they red flag you, are you going to "go out in a blaze of glory" and let the left wing media use your death to push more gun control?
united we fight, divided we die.
When will you realize you've got nothing left to lose?
what the hell are you talking about? you have plenty left to lose, your cock, your balls, your arms your legs, your eyes, your ears, you think life is bad now? just wait until the real bad times start.
They're coming after you one way or the other.
agreed, so we should just remain easy targets right? we shouldn't try to make it harder for them to get us?
I don't know what you're thinking you need from a dark web you aren't getting from here.
security and anonymity, i don't like that the feds can see my ip address and location every time i visit this website, i want a place on the darkweb.
Gotta be honest with you, I don't have any interest in dark web shit or dark web people. There isn't much there anyone from our set needs.
when the bad times start, every single one of our posts here will be used against us, we a need a place on the dark web, with real security and anonymity where we can actually speak our minds,
this website could be a fed honey pot for all we know, we need a place on the dark web where the client doesn't know anything about the host, and the host doesn't know anything about the client
its bizzare to me that people on here are willing to go to this site, but when i bring up to the darkweb, when i suggest to them they have a little more security and anonymity in what they are doing they go "why bother? it's all being tracked anyway"
if that was true, how does the banks, military, and the 3 letter agencies themselves use the very same equipment that you guys are so certain is backdoored?
so i have heard this many many many times before and if this was true
why are there literally dozens of dark net sites RIGHT NOW, operating and selling tens of thousands of drugs a minute on the dark web?
if what you are saying is true, what about banks? aren't all their computers back doored? wouldn't a hacker just waltz his way in and give himself all the money in the world?
or the military? aren't all there computers back doored? what's stopping a hacker from just sending a nuke to some guys house he doesn't like?
and finally, what about the 3 letter agencies themselves? i mean, if all computers have hard ware back doors, then so would their computers right, what's stopping a hacker from hacking area51's computers and getting those sweet sweet nudes of aliens, or hack the cia and find out what happened to kennedy??
the entire financial and military industrial complex, literally the entire backbone of the entire world economy is run off of computers, SECURE computers, if what you were saying is true, it would cause world wide pandemonium in less then a day.
and even if you go for the narrative that "the government and banks get secure computers and we don't" still doesn't explain the dark net narrative, are you really going to believe that drug market places that have been hosted and busted in germany, russia, brazil, are all run by american 3 letter agencies?
and finally, what you are talking about the whole "hardware backdoor" to my understanding is a rumor that have never, ever, ever been demonstrated as actually happening not ever in history
there was actually a reddit post dedicated to this
is what your saying possible? sure, but i have a hard time believing it since every hacker in the world would be exploiting this back door if they could, so some how they can't.
so idk.
what do you think about the idea that maybe the shooter wants to hurt the gun community as much as he wanted to kill blacks?
are pipe bombs even that effective in contrast to hand grenades?
Dark web is a bitch to get on for new people.
i agree but it's our only real option
The gov will the use the excuse that they raided because it was in the dark web, and only extreme people are on there of course!
yep, come and get me
The media will say that it was a deep web operation and the vast people who are uninformed will fall back on "dark web bad"
agreed 100% but there is no other real option,
there are ONLY bad options here, but long term, it's about finding the least bad one.
how is this gun related?