miss all you fuckers, merry christmas you federal agents ;3
instead of discord just create an element account
make an account and then search "weekendgunnit"
my room should come up, let me know if it works, and if it doesn't just post your username in here and i will invite you
or just follow this link
follow this think
luvs <3
whether you believe or not that the dark web isn't somehow secure while dozens of active drug markets are selling tens of thousands of dollars of drugs a minute literally as i type this doesn't matter, the point is this
i'm fucking sick of the censorship on the clear web, i really really am, we need a spot on the dark web, we need a spot for us,
if you want to speak your mind, if you want real freedom, the only way to go is the dark net, i don't know any other way to say it
man i am so sick of this fucking censorship, i'm so sick of not being able to share gun files, i'm so sick of not being able to actually talk about shit,
i love you retards, but this website itself could be a fed honeypot and we would have no idea one way or another, we need a reddit like alternative on the dark web for all of us
yes i know learning the darkweb sucks and it's a pain in the ass, but it's still the least bad way moving forward and that's a fact.
just had to vent boys.
i love you federal agents looking to entrap me, you make me feel understood, but in a serious note, we need a fucking joint on the darkweb
it's more likely then not that this website is a federal honeypot, that being said we need a joint on the dark web, a place were we can talk WITHOUT the fear of being red flagged
a place where the host is anonymous to the user but the user is also anonymous to the host
what do you guys think?
no guns, no toes, all feelings,
Do you boys ever feel like this society just isn't for you?
all i want is to own a home, land, 10 or 12 cargo vans, and i want to reach into any drawer in my house and be able to pull out a hand grenade, or a flash bang, or a full auto assault rifle
i want to drive down the street with bolt cutters and a concrete saw in the back seat while wearing my ski mask
i want to carry 4 guns and a hand grenade in my fanny pack
but i don't necessarily want to hurt anyone, i just want to live a peaceful lifestyle with my implements of mayhem.
i want shoot a machine gun on LSD, i want to make my own hand grenades and C4, i want to drive around with my RPG, and a short barreled folding stock ak47 in the passenger seat.
why? because it makes me feel good, it makes me feel good in a way that nothing else does.
and for the longest time, i thought i was crazy, but then weekendgunnit happened and that all changed, i saw there were people out there like me, and it was beautiful
Do you boys ever feel like this society just isn't for you? i just feel like there is no country, no society, no place in the entire world that is for people like us.
except maybe mexico idk.
they offered you a choice,
"join us, get 200K a year, full benefits, indemnification, pretty much complete immunity from prosecution, AND your federal law enforcement officer so your NFA exempt, and your gonna be doing ALOT of red flag laws and no knock warrants, so if your gonna be a criminal, your going to be one for us."
go to prison the rest of your life,
get two in the back of the head and a shallow grave
what would you take?
so i got covid, HARD, and being a big fat boi, the hospital thought they were going to have to intubate me, but luckly that didn't happen,
i didn't have the vaccine because that's my fucking choice, not anyone elses, i stand by that,
5 whole days i can't remember, 5 whole days are completely gone, my house mates thought i was dead, a few friends thought i was dead, the general consensus was that i was going to die, if there was a betting pool i was told that it was 90/10 death to survival.
then Christmas day i woke up and turned it around i guess, i came with with acute covid pneumonia and kidney failure, and turned everything around
i was in the hospital for 16 days, and i finally just today got out today, and after all that shit, all the oxygen they had me on, (oxygen gets you high but not in a fun way, imagine being about 20 IQ stupider for 16 days straight)
and i am weak as a fucking baby right now, i feel like i just got my ass beat base ball bat casino style, not joking, a 5 year old could put me, a 31 full grown man down right now, i have NEVER felt this kind of weakness in my life.
and what do i have to say for my experience?
don't you men ever give up your freedom, not one inch of it, not now not FUCKING EVER, all that time i spent in there i never not one thought about giving up not one lick of freedom, not one bit, wanna know what i thought about?
the alamo with billy bob thorton and stan rodgers the idiot
i was nearly on my death bed and i am thinking of stupid freedom shit, because i'm fucking retarded like that,
i'm stupid like that, and your stupid like that, and i get the feeling bois like us are going to remain stupid like that
i love you retards and don't you ever give up anything, stay strapped or get clapped.
here's a little video if you want to listen to my voice
the likes of us are just not appreciated on reddit i suppose lol
I know i have a habit of sometimes turning this site and reddit into my own personal little bitch diary, but i had a thought that i want to share with you feggits
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malum_in_se https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malum_prohibitum
take a look at those two articles if you feel like it but here is the tl;rd
malum in se is latin for "evil unto itself" shit like murder, rape, child rape, slavery, things like overtly and clearly infringe on another humans rights and harms them in the process, things that are obviously evil.
malum prohibitum means "wrong because prohibition" meaning it's wrong because the government says so, these are you gun laws, your drug laws, your drinking laws, your gambling laws, it doesn't hurt anyone but yourself, but the government tries to prohibit it because people being free offends them.
because governments hate free people,
anyway, i believe that what it means to be american, what the american spirit is, is being a criminal in the malum prohibitum sense, to understand and reject some NOT ALL, but some laws of the state.
i believe that being a true american means learning how to break the law and getting away with it.
and yes, fed boi glowie post and all that, but this is what i believe and this suck up bullshit that i see throughout the world of people basically saying "govern me harder daddy i want to be safe!" i hate it, in my eyes your not an american until your breaking some stupid bull shit law
of course i have never broken the law and am a good boi, and i that urge everyone to
1_never admit to a crime,
2_never say your going to do a crime,
3_never say your planning to commit a crime,
4_never say you even want to do a crime,
5_never threaten a crime,
6_never agree with another person to commit a crime,
follow all the laws and rules of your tyrannical government and never question the state, we are all good bois here, but anyway, that's my little rant.
idk what's going on this guy seems to be some fucking bot, what can we do to notify the mods?