I'll be dressed as grandpa pushing a stroller. Stroller of death.
Mounted outside? Sounds like the Open Carry midset. I'm in Concealed Carry midset. In stroller under blanket?
No. Ammo prices tripled and we didn't stop buying guns did we?
I'm trying really hard to find a reason not to buy one.
Shit. Now I'm thinking about that instead of working. You're not helping.
Ukraine handing out real tools and US measuring how long your sharpened stick is. Fuuuuck.
Disagree. Rather see these nice tits and penis. Please produce pics.
Only want it for 7.5 shot close dispatch. But no ammo for the last 9 months.
Was about to buy a Judge or Governor but can't find .410 other than home defense anywhere.
How do I stop imagining myself defending my home from invaders and get back to work?
Trigger finger glove too big for trigger guard. Too drunk to put the joke together...you fucktards do it.
None of my toy guns could be distinguished from the real thing beyond 10 yrds. Am old.
Keep forgetting about those horrible places. Imma stay right here in the middle.
America provides the freedom for you to produce things no one wants.
Someone show this to anyone carrying with an empty chamber. Same thing. Also...Drax them sclownst.
Swap shitty heavy light for small LED.
Are they just using phones instead of body cameras?
What about all the pro-material rifles?
What's the conversion rate of 115 grn Fiochi to weed? Asking for a friend.
Bang sticks.
Are we calling our guns "firearms" now? Did I miss the memo?
Anyone with a shotgun knows the best on-hand ammo is a big loose pocket full of shells.
World JAMpion!
Welp...back to the toilet paper tube enclosed with packing tape and crosshairs drawn with a sharpie.
Upcycled! Just be careful where you attach the heroin needles.