Farewell 2021, hello 2022. I’m sure this is the year the the ATF gets abolished, the NRA actually does something beneficial for gun rights, and the HPA passes … right guys?
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What's a good downloadable target for zeroing a rifle?
Is there a target format that enables me to get a rough hundred yard zero if I'm only at 25 or so?
Usually I do some ghetto Kentucky windage redneck shit and I'm trying to get more scientific and shit.
This is the one I use, can vouch for it
Happy new year uncle scruffy
Bump because it’s hard to zero without owning lots of land or having an outdoor range near you
Cardboard and a sharpie can be scienced into whatever you need.
Data unclear.
New level IV cardboard plates don't fit in plate carrier. Please advise.
Soak them in ethanol for a day and they will become more pliable and as a bonus, fire retardant.
Can't find most murderers nowadays...
They also can't find the people responsible for burning down major cities in every state. But they sure did put the stasi on the capital tourists.
Choads gonna choad.
Who wants to sell me their FN FNC? My lust for that peak NATO 5.56 AK ripoff has reached indescribable levels.
Dude, an FNC.
Wondered for years why no one makes a repro or new version. They use similar systems on other rifles but I like that ol' FNC.
Not just because I'm obsessed with the movie "Heat".....
I want one too, but that's cause I'm a FN fan boy Daddy Dieudonne 🥵
Sure, 25k.
But you can get it for cheaper than that
Choice between a new car or a full-auto slice of peak Cold War Eurosteel
Wonder if you'd be able to get a discounted one in The Ukraine?
What is the gayest possible gun someone can buy? Asking for a friend
If it had a punisher skull it would be perfect
It has nra on it.
Don't be that cruel to the steel. It's innocent. It cannot help that some ass mistreated it and made it into a monster.
The best we can do is put it out of it's misery, and have it reforged into something worth the steel. And civilian owned full auto preferably.
Wow, well I finally found a CZ I don’t want. Thanks, I guess.
Glock rhymes with cock. And I know some people who worship Glock, if you know what I mean.
Not that there is anything wrong with that. I don’t judge. Carry appendix and let it’s barrel caress your shaft all day, everyday.
An Anal Buster 5000
Semi-auto single shot dildo launcher.
Remove the trigger guard and it could be a meths best vibratory freind...
How stretchy is your sphincter?
Desert eagle is my every day zap carry
Gold plate/tigerstripe that bitch, put on stone chaps, and there isn't a whole lot that could make the two of you more homosexual.
P7 or something.
Yes I know everyone that has one loves it. Yes I want one too.
Still gay.
Just got my CCW. I’m a lefty and I am not about to try to CC my M9.. suggestions on ambi 9mm or .40 for cc that aren’t glocks?
My 3 favorite carry guns are the HK45C, which is my favorite handgun of all time, HK VP9 which is amazing as well and the Springfield hellcat for warm weather or casual.
I fucking love the hellcat.
God I’m using up all my gat piggy bank at the range just fit testing rental pistols D:
Have an AR lower to build and I want to do a .300BLK 10.5" with suppressor. For the upper, would it be better to buy everything individually, or get one pre-assembled? I'm guessing I'll want an adjustable gas block to help vent excess gas with the can. Thoughts?
Adjustable block isn’t necessary but it’s not gonna hurt anything. Uppers are super easy to assemble but if you don’t want to fuck with it see if you can find one assembled but without a hand guard that way you can at least get the hand guard you want and not have leftovers.
I’ve ordered a few barreled uppers from MAS Defense and they work fine. I don’t like their hand guards tho.
Is adjustable gas block with the cost of you're gonna run suppressed and unsuppressed?
I don’t have an adjustable on any of my guns so I don’t know first hand. The only time I see it might be worthwhile is if you want to run subs unsuppressed. Someone with more experience should probably weigh in.
From what I've read it helps reduce wear on internals from overgassing, which also keeps those gasses from getting into your eyes.
One advantage to having a pre built upper is that you get all the parts from one company . Sometimes shit gets weird even on 5.56 if you get it all from different places.
But building what you want a part at a time is really satisfying.
BRN-180s in 300blk. Then you can fire folded and one handed like a true retard.
Any body put a Sylvan arms folding adapter on their AR?
I'm putting one on my .308 build because I've always wanted a folding .308.
Think it'll fit in a tennis racket case? No reason to let my prius driving neighbor that hates me see gin cases.
How does it work without a buffer and spring? Guessing that it cannot, and folding is purely for desperate manual action or storage only. Commenting for intradasting.
It's for storage. Mounting a sling on it folded is very problematic as well so I won't be able to carry it folded under my Dora the explorer windbreaker like I badly want to. Sigh.
Still cool af though. And if I fire it folded I will fuck up the rifle and prolly my body.
So if it fires while folded you get gas key fragments and a bolt carrier group going the wrong way. Still something I would buy.
I've seen a bolt action mememore with a folding stock. Not sure if it will fire while folded but one can hope.
I wanna form 1 a rim fire suppressor. I kinda wanna keep my dog so I'm gonna go the bootlicker route and do the paperwork. Wish.com solvent trap or one of the dedicated form 1 kits?
I’ve heard the fuel filters are pretty good but no first hand experience
There were these really neat looking muzzle brakes that may or may not have had a similar OD and thread pattern as a certain aluminum body flashlight's ID and cap thread.
What's the deal with wipers now if you Form 1? As the manufacturer are you still allowed to repair the silencer by replacing the worn components?
Autozone will install wipers free with purchase.
And you ask a lot of questions.
Got some fuel in your bullet filters?
Why would a Crimson Trace red dot bottom out above suppressor-height sights? Swear I used the right mounting plate and screws. It won't go any lower.
I found the problem
Welp...back to the toilet paper tube enclosed with packing tape and crosshairs drawn with a sharpie.
Where there's a will, there's an autist.
Wait you're telling me that an LED, coin cell battery, and a toilet paper roll isn't the type of red dot y'all been talking about all along??
Throws homemade red dot in disgust
In all seriousness, with fgc9 now actually being found in use in the wild, is anyone working on designing optics in that same spirit?
That's a kickass thought.
The idea of a 3d printed home made ACOG sexually excites me.
Lemme do some research. I might have some skills with shitty free cadd programs.
Wonder if it's possible to print a lens using a resin printer, or if it be possible to 3d print some stuff for grinding lenses from glass?
Problem is getting repeatability between devices. I can't imagine 3d printed optics being as good as made in a factory.
Glass would be a pain in the ass, and I don't even know about how to build the electronics, but maybe slap a magnifier behind ONE OF THESE!!!?
I’m truck shopping and was going to go for another F150 but what is the most operator truck on the market today for my truckguns
Not sure, but I hear Toyota hilux(es?) are the truck of choice for people all around the world...
And they're versatile. You can have a dozen of the boys in the back, or you can put that 30mm autocannon you "found" in the back.
Your only limit is your dreams. And potentially hills without some engine mods if you go full technical. You've got what, 150HP stock?
Serious question:
Where raccoon wearing quad nods at? The symbol for this community is just a gray circle.
Where's the nods?
I don't know how to do it, simple as
If someone wants to and has time to fuck with CSS then I’d let them try. But I don’t have the inclination to give any effort myself
In other words, be the change you want to see in the world?