I want Santa to deliver a Beretta 1301 tactical.
But I doubt he will because of what I did to Blitzen last year. His rack is hanging just above my mantel next to the tree.
This needs some British nature show narration:
“Here we see two young males of the species ‘ghetto hood-rattious’ or commonly referred to as ‘street thugs’
These thugs are on a mission to improve their social status so they can fuck the hottest bitches and become babby-daddies.
Women in their culture prefer strong men who are capable of the most Gangsta shit imaginable. This usually involves pimpin’, slinging rocks, or fighting for territory. These two adolescents have chosen the latter option - territory disputes. They defend their territory with ‘tech-9s’ - which is to say any gun they can get their hands on. Actual Tech9’s are unaffordable and objectively shit.
After performing their heinous deed and murdering the poor white men that happened to walk into neighborhood, they run away to hide from any authorities.
Eventually they will re-emerge with rock-hard erections and impregnate as many bad bitches as possible before their retarded instagram posts alert the authorities to their whereabouts. They will then be arrested and serve the remainder of their life in state prison.
The spawn of these thugs will grow up fatherless. Upon reaching their teenage years they will repeat this behavior. And thus the circle of life will continue.
Thank you for watching. Please join us next week as we explore life in a midwestern trailer park.”
GNN_RNR is back with more OC! God bless you, fren.
Now tell us - will your homemade vasectomy be performed with birdshot, buckshot, or slugs?
… fuck…
Why is I so dumb?
Just imagine how bad a state needs to be for you to look to Idaho for salvation…. Damn.
Yes, this is a wonderful gesture. I encourage leftists everywhere to throw their rifles into lakes.
In fact, I live near several lakes. Perhaps I should host a protest next Friday to fill my lake with guns and ammo.
Then on Saturday I can test out my SCUBA gear.
And there’s a million of us,
Just like me.
Who cuss like me.
Who just don’t give a fuck like me.
Who dress like me,
walk, talk and act like me.
And just might be the next big thing,
But not quite me.
I hear Sasquatch is afraid of guns too.
I have not watched the video yet, but yes. Yes they are.
Can it give my rifle red hair and tits?
It’s the accuracy and comfort that sold me on them.
My double action is long and heavy, but it feels smooth to me. I’m not too picky about triggers though, to be honest.
After that first shot it goes to SA, and I have zero complaints about SA.
Yep, now is NOT the time to buy.
One dealership near me made a big deal to point out they’re not allowed to sell new cars above MSRP.
Want to guess what they did?
All their 2022/2023 vehicles became “dealer transport vehicles” meaning the staff were allowed to drive them personally. Once they had 2,000 miles or so on them they would sell them as “gently used” and mark them up 20% over MSRP.
Rucking Fidiculous
Maybe I can make it sound cool. Let me try:
An APC with sunshades to protect the sensitive eyes of the soldiers within it.
An APC with a built in vacuum to handle those “oopsies” and stay clean between ops.
An APC that has screens so you can play COD to simulate missions.
An APC with an incredibly fuel efficient four-cylinder with tens of horsepower.
Maybe a rescue team could use the car seat anchor points to rappel down and retrieve my lifeless body after I jump off a bridge.
Ok that last one might be kinda cool…
Bubba needs to try a CZ.
I know. I used to be Bubba.
I only bought American until I tried a CZ. Shit now half my safe is foreign.
That’s your fault for drinking Coors.
I can’t help you.
So I have one cheap-ass Radical AR that I love to abuse. It went 1,500 rounds before it’s first malfunction. And that happened while I was shooting with the gun sideways while under a car. So there’s a good chance I had the ejection port too close to the ground.
I pumped another 500 rounds through it without issue. I bet I could have gotten away with a lot more, but I was out of ammo and the training course was over.
I still haven’t cleaned it. Partly because I’m curious, but mostly because I’m lazy.
Damn right.
Don’t be mad, Scruff… I have never seen the A Team… Is it worth it? I only know Mr. T from Rocky III.
Yay for China, I guess?
No, I’m convinced the BATFE is letting them in on purpose. They need full auto guns in the hands of criminals. They love to have a boogyman. This will let them push more laws because the average dipshit doesn’t know the difference between full and semi auto.
“See, we need to ban semi auto pistols. Just look at Chicago.”
Low information suburban white women will eat that shit up.
It’s depressing as shit that I have to vote to keep my rights. It’s become clear to me over the years that most people are retarded.
And when I say “retarded”, I’m not talking about you beautiful, crayon-eating, hold my beer, look what I can do, WeekendGunnit type retards. That is freedom. The freedom to enjoy a silly break from your daily grind. I know you fine folks are all competent individuals that get shit done in the real world.
Im talking about people with legit mental disabilities. The kind of people you have to help go to the bathroom. The ones that are always drooling. The ones that are addicted to TV, and can’t think for themselves. The ones that need to be kept calm with ice cream, so they don’t say embarrassing things about Cornpop or grope a minor. These people are terrified that they will be publicly outed as incompetent. They go out of their way to do things that look good, but accomplish nothing. It’s all hollow, form over function, bullshit that only makes temporary happy emotions. “Look at me, I did a thing. I’m smart. I’m definitely not retarded. Please don’t look too closely…” Those are the retards pulling the levers of power today.
So I’m sad about the state of the world right now, frens….
As bad as things are now, do you know what makes it worse? I just bought a fucking used minivan... And in this economy I’m paying 9% for the privilege to drive this stinky, piece-of-shit, miniature school bus.
So my important questions for this month are:
What should I do with the damn van?
Can I make it a technical?
Is my life over?
Should I end it all? If so, what is the best caliber for blowing my brains out?
Let me know, frens. ;)
Final note: Please take the time to vote for the least-retarded option on your ballot. It might not help, but it can’t hurt either.
I asked a couple real-world operators about this. They all said roughly “I clean my guns about as often as I clean the engine of my car.”
They just add oil to maintain smooth operating. They said as long as you don’t it run dry, it should last thousands of rounds between cleanings.
It’s worth noting - They had really, really nice guns.
Nah man, they only allow rifles from Knight’s Armament.
Take them to an indoor range and argue with the RSO.
“No, No, No. I painted these myself. That way I’d know they’re mine. Honest. Wait, what do you mean ‘never come back’?”
Why have I never thought of this? Now I need to buy an AK for my office.
Not gonna lie, I’ve got a bit of a chub from reading that.
Now I understand how the ladies feel when they read their romance novels.
Excuse me while I go draw a bubble bath and light some candles, so I can read this again properly.
Just ammo? C’mon bro you can do better than that.
One of my neighbors had a claymore under their tree last year. Unfortunately their damn cat set it off in the middle of the night. So I wouldn’t recommend asking for one of those…