אכן כך. אני שולח מטבע לארץ המובטחת. הפנטזיות המנוונות הפרועות ביותר מתגשמות. הרבה מבורך.
Don’t tease me. I need you to follow through with this. And post pictures (you know the kind we like). 🔫🦶
Sigs are plastic. Gunchucks need some weight to them. I’d go with steel-framed revolvers with the hammers back.
Nice floors, solid digs, crown molding…. That’s all money that could have been spent on ammo.
Sell that shit and buy a nice double wide. Then fill that fucker with brass, lead, and beer like God intended.
Yes, yes it is. Which is why it belongs here.
Honestly, I know it is one of you just based on that shirt alone. Nevermind open carrying a pistol on a sling.
Needs one of those hats with the tiny propeller on top.
Well, how many people died in nursing homes after GOVERNMENT PURPOSEFULLY SENT INFECTED PATIENTS THERE?
lol. Ok, not gonna lie, that was pretty good.
Handshake shows up and posts gold. Nice.
I admire your dedication.
I assume you’re holding the guns. Who is holding the camera?
Would this person be ok if you lost your benis?
I wonder what Chris Hanson is up to these days?
There’s so much going on in this pic I almost missed the toes.
Bwahahahahah! Nice.
Well, I’m not a virgin cerakote enthusiast. I’ve put my peen in a vegana before.
FDE and toes? Nice 👍
I’m no expert, but from what I’ve read Japan trends super-nationalist. Especially the older generations. To the point where they’re basically outright racist to people who aren’t native Japanese.
They seemingly hate China and N. Korea especially.
Please tell me more.
Was Abe a globalist? From what little I saw he seemed cool.
No! You were right the first time. They’re dirty shitrats. All of them. NO EXCEPTIONS!
That’s the number of trannys that voluntarily remove themselves from society. 🤯🔫
If it bothers you so much, why waste time bitching about it on the internet? Especially this little corner of the internet?
Here we make jokes about stupid things people do with guns. That’s it.
If you want to lead a revolution maybe try running for office.
You are arguing for the same thing they are: control over others (Tyranny).
I’m all about Free Will (Liberty).
You be you, let me be me, let crazy nutjob be crazy nutjob.
The moment you start telling others what to do - even if you think it’s the “right thing” - you are no better than they are.
Faith in Yahweh.