You were close, but it's a safe space for bluehaired fucks (that all look the same) to mouthbreathe about fake racist/sexist ideals. They also post a disgusting amount of cat photos. No one cares about your goddamn ugly shit-rats! They are the most worthless animal.
Not that I would know.
Fuckin' retards don't even know basic historical events. Just that Mark Twain, Teddy Muthafucking Roosevelt and Christopher Cucklumbous were racists. To these bellends there will always be danger as long as there are "whites" around. May the great pox consume them!
As a fellow awkwardist. I must also confess I carry a 92FS, none of that m9 or 92x shit because I don't need a fuckin' rail with quick scope attachments to hit my target. But I am a fag so you know I have custom Chris Redfield S.t.a.r.s. grips. Just grow your benis out.
Wow. Those Ruger pistols actually look cool.