Im still waiting for the nipple to load while looking over my shoulder
I get that part but we have our own money and a joint account for the house and shit. As long as that get paid we spend our owb mobey how ever. Sheshows me her nails and i ahow off my ammo haul
Just say it mail tampering and go reeeee
Are your balls in your part bin too?
But i armored it
What did you only shoot it for a second?
Laughs in ww2 AP surplus
PTR 9CT i wanted a k but my lgs had this and settled
That sucks. its really good price and i dont feel like subscribing for 4 months to get it
Thanks do they let you backorder?
Paul Harrell swings arm
Even NY lets you have a 10 round mag
Id want him to be actual gun jesus and john wick goes to him for solace and confort
I was supposted to go back to ny but didnt. How was it with the quarenteen shit?
My m1 garand is an actual weapon of war
Post the link to the stl because noone can say you cant
Cut a peice of wood and mag block it. Thats what i did when i lived in that shithole
I dont need anyone else telling me to drink less
Sue Disney because Gaston told me to eat 4 dozen eggs and made my tunny hurt
Who dosnt use feet?
Now i wish i had titties
This is my edc and its very concealable. It shoots very soft for its size and highly recommended it. I personally hate safeties on carry guns. Maybe concider carrying without a round chambered and after awhile you realize that trigger dosnt pull itself
Face weld is better
3d print the middle finger sights