Amateur hour.
3d print dick of approximately 66mm diameter (one standard pop can), there's probably one on thingiverse that could be scaled.
Use a clone-a-willy to make a mold of the 66mm dick.
Cast a bunch of well fitted floppy dicks that will have much higher velocity.
I work for a large, arguably anti-american, employer.
Anytime there is unrest or hurricanes or whatever, anyone tangentially impacted gets basically free pto. They want to look good or not get sued.
So I guess in so far as participation in a boog may look like being unavailable to work due to safety considerations related to unrest - that's already common and not a problem. Not career limiting.
Course, if there is video of you with floppies being slotted that would change things.
I would choose .25 NAA because it'd weird.
Or measure the chamber, call it a a new caliber, 3dprint some casings, and load them with black powder.
Google has millions of sensors (android phones) correlating wifi locations (they have uniquely identifiable MACs) to GPS info. So if you use a burner android phone, make sure it's off in whatever identifiable-geofence makes you happy. Not doing so makes it not a burner. You can guarantee they can tie any real accounts you have to your burner accounts if they coexist near networks.
You talking about this one?
stop being racist agastin feets and comment