1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Without Remorse, Rainbow Six, Starship Troopers, Unintended Consequences, Expedient Homemade Firearms, Metro 2033/2034/2035, Total Resistance; A Swiss Army guide to Guerilla Warfare.
the creature from Jekyll isle, entertaining ourselves to death, ready player one, the road, animal farm , the zombie survival guide, world war z, the gun, deamon, freedom tm, cryptonomicon, snow crash.
I also recently read Simplicius Simplicissimus, a really good book. Free pdf on google you can find. Just find the english version unless you can read German.
P.A. Luty has written some useful diy books.
Along with Prof Parabellum
"Fry the brain" is an excellent treatise on guerrilla sniping.
Guerilla sniping sounds like a racist term describing Chicago gang shooting techniques.
Guerilla sniping in Chicongo?
There it is.
Hey now, that would assume anyone in chitown can hit anything they aim at.
If anything, that term is disparaging to the actual gorilla marksman that I'm sure Russia has probably secretly trained.
Rest In Power Harambe.
Go to a BLM protest and start shouting Harambe when they begin naming victims... see if that causes a stir.
The Federalist papers.
Bring the set along so you also have toilet paper.
Unintended Consequences
Industrial Society and it's Future
Ah, yes. A man of taste.
Patriots series
"How to Win Friends and Influence People" (to prep yourself for future cult building)
1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Without Remorse, Rainbow Six, Starship Troopers, Unintended Consequences, Expedient Homemade Firearms, Metro 2033/2034/2035, Total Resistance; A Swiss Army guide to Guerilla Warfare.
Metro 2033/2034 are good. You can remove 2035 though, it is meh.
2035 is the one where the whole conspiracy is revealed. Also shows how most people will accept peaceful slavery instead of fighting for freedom.
The Moon is a harsh mistress along with starship troopers
No cookbook for the anarkittys?
Was that Dostoevsky, or was that a Tolstoy joint?
American Insurgents, American Patriots. By T. H. Breen.
The Law, F. Bastiat
The Gulag Archipelago
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Get both the 3rd and 5th editions.
DSM-IV did nothing wrong!
... kinda.
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Fight Club, Fear and Loathing, Wealth of Nations.....
Nobody has said Democracy: The God That Failed yet? What has WKND come to . . .
Been downloading pdfs of expedient firearms, other firearms shit. Also get some good survival guides.
Desert Solitaire.
Shibumi - Trevanian
From Musket To Metallic Cartridge if you like firearms history.
the creature from Jekyll isle, entertaining ourselves to death, ready player one, the road, animal farm , the zombie survival guide, world war z, the gun, deamon, freedom tm, cryptonomicon, snow crash.
Kool hand Luke....
are the golden ones piss ice blocks?
democracy in america
I also recently read Simplicius Simplicissimus, a really good book. Free pdf on google you can find. Just find the english version unless you can read German.