Yeah, I am more so disappointed because the CEO is directly quoted in saying he is 2A, the company values 2A, and then donates to Anti-2A causes, little more disappointing than them not saying anything about 2A and donating to Act Blue.
Its a rough world when you're spending money based on a company's 2A status. Its way easier to be a member/donate specifically to organizations that exist to fight for 2A rights (GOA, etc) and then not sweat the small stuff as much. I'd imagine GOA donations to more pro-2A stuff than coffee profits from one person help the anti-2A cause.
Also, don't buy trash coffee. Buy a burr grinder (Baratza Encore is a good start, and they sell refurbs) and get some decent whole beans ((
Happy Mug is not bad - yeah, they're probably liberals, but so are almost all your other coffee brands, obviously, and I can't find any donations they've made... yet). Also, get a moka pot, French press, Aeropress, pour over, etc... put a few more minutes into your coffee and you'll taste a huge difference.
You've gotta love yourself more ways than with your hand. Take the time to make the little things more enjoyable. I won't turn up my nose at Folgers, light beer, or a whiskey/Coke, but taking the time and effort to treat yourself to good coffee, decent beer, and a solid Old Fashioned or Manhattan here and there makes you feel special... after you've wined and dined yourself and feel all special and important, THEN that's when you beat that dick so hard that you make your foreskin remnants look like cauliflower ear.
Second the Baratza Encore. I got that as my entry into good coffee and it's great for getting into basically everything except espresso. I recently moved up to a sette 270 for espresso but I might still use the encore for pour overs.
What finally got me to buy a good entry level grinder is when I realized that outside of espresso, the grinder was the only expensive thing. Moka Pots, Aeropress, pour over cones, etc are all pretty cheap.
Yeah, I am more so disappointed because the CEO is directly quoted in saying he is 2A, the company values 2A, and then donates to Anti-2A causes, little more disappointing than them not saying anything about 2A and donating to Act Blue.
Its a rough world when you're spending money based on a company's 2A status. Its way easier to be a member/donate specifically to organizations that exist to fight for 2A rights (GOA, etc) and then not sweat the small stuff as much. I'd imagine GOA donations to more pro-2A stuff than coffee profits from one person help the anti-2A cause.
Also, don't buy trash coffee. Buy a burr grinder (Baratza Encore is a good start, and they sell refurbs) and get some decent whole beans (( Happy Mug is not bad - yeah, they're probably liberals, but so are almost all your other coffee brands, obviously, and I can't find any donations they've made... yet). Also, get a moka pot, French press, Aeropress, pour over, etc... put a few more minutes into your coffee and you'll taste a huge difference.
We would have been happy with some freeze dried Folgers taster's choice and you break out this gourmet shit!
You've gotta love yourself more ways than with your hand. Take the time to make the little things more enjoyable. I won't turn up my nose at Folgers, light beer, or a whiskey/Coke, but taking the time and effort to treat yourself to good coffee, decent beer, and a solid Old Fashioned or Manhattan here and there makes you feel special... after you've wined and dined yourself and feel all special and important, THEN that's when you beat that dick so hard that you make your foreskin remnants look like cauliflower ear.
My man! (Fist bump)
Well said.
I just drink whatever coffee mom serves with the breakfast tendies
My favorite coffee is beer.
Eh, choosing to purchase from companies that support your ideals is good.
Just do the research and don’t fall for buzzwords.
Fuck that. Don't drink coffee.
Buy Redbull, they have unapologetically fired a bunch of sjw faggot types from even their executive board.
Black coffee is a good preworkout for a morning run/lift/etc. Helps burn fat.
Too much caffeine has been seen to produce excess cortisol, which increases fat retention. So yes but also no.
Caffeine is shit. Nicotine is ok.
Second the Baratza Encore. I got that as my entry into good coffee and it's great for getting into basically everything except espresso. I recently moved up to a sette 270 for espresso but I might still use the encore for pour overs.
What finally got me to buy a good entry level grinder is when I realized that outside of espresso, the grinder was the only expensive thing. Moka Pots, Aeropress, pour over cones, etc are all pretty cheap.
... real question is, what espresso maker do you have and what do and don't you like about it? I've been thinking about making the jump.
You missed the part where he says guns for me but not for thee!! Pew pew