If so, you’re in luck! Our newest president Joe Biden (don’t worry we’re almost done counting votes - Joes going to get 90 million!) wants to undo an Act Of Congress that prevents gun manufactures from dealing with frivolous lawsuits. On What grounds do you need to sue a gun company? Absolutely nothing if this flies! So buy a .22 and find a nice spot with no major arteries! You’re going to be rich!
But make sure you file your lawsuit fast - those gun companies won’t have enough money to pay all the settlements you autists will win!
Oh, and make sure to take into consideration lawyer fees and the 30% - 50% of the settlement money your friendly neighborhood lawyer takes. What a swell guy, at least he doesn’t take 80%!
Hmm... what purpose could this possibly serve to make firearms safer for the American schoolchild we hear so much about? Hmm... clearly this won’t be a way to transfer wealth from firearm companies to Jews while putting companies out of business and disarming the populace like it appears to be on first blush! No. Joe is pro 2A!
Lol why bring Jews into this bud
That one, uh, he does it a lot. Watch out, there are a bunch of collectivist faggots pushing racial agendas around here.
Well, look at his fuckin username.
Unfortunately, when you have anonymity + free speech there are gonna be a few nimrods in the bunch.
Whenever you have a buncha gun nuts, you're gonna get some white supremacists in there. It's like rat feces and fast food. Always gonna be some.
Personally, i don't like anyone very much regardless of melanin in their skin.
I like you, Uncle. Now let’s go breathe spray paint out of bags while we shoot guns and talk about how Communism is a mental illness.
Look at who is funding gun control groups and what politicians push it the most. Guarantee the tiny hat tribe is vastly vastly overrepresented.
But I don't know why this guy said what he said on this post
Hey now, you're missing an important thing jewish folks overseas do, they kill ragheads like it's a sport.
That iranian nuclear scientist that got out of his bullet resistant limo to get clapped was funny as fuck.
Personally, i figure you're just saying racist shit to get a reaction, you do you bby. Personally i think the entire human race was a horrid mistake.
Man, what I would do to see the beauty of the Earth as pure and unmolested as it was in the ages before mankind. Like, don't get me wrong, I love being alive and I feel people have the rights to do what ever they want so long as they don't hurt anyone, but I really do hate how humans have raped this little gem of a world we all call home.
I absolutely get that. Biodiversity and clean water tables are such immensely important and irreplaceable things!
Not even just that, but also the ways that we as a species have literally changed the very landscape and biosphere of the planet. We have gouged huge unfillable wounds in the surface of the earth to build things as small as the battery in your phone and things as big as the Empire States building. We have flattened hills, leveled forests, and diverted rivers to build shitty ugly suburbs full of freedom hating, authoritarian leftist Karen's and their pet cucks. We killed entire genus of fauna because someone thought it would be a good idea to domesticate cats. The human species is a marvel of intellect, ingenuity, and brute savagery put into the form of an animal that if not for those gifts granted by nature would have become extinct, killed off by the more naturally adapted killers of this world. Humans are both amazing and horrible creatures. And I love my fellow man and what they can create and what they have done, but I also hate them for the same things.
Was it you that u/centaurboots absolutely wrecked about this a few weeks ago? If not, say some really wacky shit and see if you can coax him out, that was shit funny
No? I don’t think so. But why do you like the Jews so much? They want to take your guns.