posted ago by scruffyusp ago by scruffyusp +61 / -0

The year was 1989, a young rapist named bill clinton was just getting started thinking of ways to fuck over people further along with the hideous extradimensional lizard beast he married. Republicans and the cucks at the nra let the 89 import ban pass and that's why we have 922r (uncle Scruffy screams his rage for a minute).

Believe it or not, the fbi was looking out for the public interest and hunting some bank robbing fucks that pointed guns at people just doing their bank jobs and living their lives. It's hard to imagine but sometimes the fbi used to do stuff like that instead of targeting regular Americans. Lol funny right?

The fbi agents found two bank robbers who, we'll call mini14 and 870. After a traffic impact where an agent lost his revolver, they engaged these bank robbers and in the course of the gunfight one agent had his revolver jammed by the remains of his owh hand. Think about that a second. Damn. Mini14 was the most decisive combatant in the encounter besided an agent named Ed Mireles that chadded up and fired a shotgun one handed a number of times to end things. Mad respect. That's hard af. Go try it with a pump. Agents Grogan and Dove died and may they have hot tendies in Valhalla. They died fighting violent criminals and i shan't diminish that.

Long story short, despite the fact they lost to a folding stock mini 14 the fbi decided the handgun was the problem due to ot not being able to inflict decisive, penetrative wounds to torsos especially after passing through forearm/bicep if the intended fuckee.

So they spent 10 million tax payer dollars at least to develop the 10mm. A very neat round that can be fired from the 5-8 guns made now that fire it. It fucks up grizzly bears and throws a 180 grain round faster than i can chug high life and call beijing biden a commie shill. And that's fast bby.

Enter the smith and clinton (cuz they backed the ban in 94) giant framed slide mounted safety vagina poison never get laid 5000. The gun that fbi agents couldn't shoot well and that wore out quick af.

So, s&c decided to make a short 10. They called it a .40.

In the greatest trolling move of that era, glock beat them to the market with a glock 17 chambered in .40. Never mind the problematic unsupported chamber. Lol KABOOM.

Then HK made the USP designed to be chambered in .40. And the universe was made whole, and right for Scruffy. As it works great in all chamberings.

So, what can we learn? The fbi spent 10 million of your money to make a cool round they don't use when they really, really should have just given those poor fucks CAR15s or Colt Commandos.

Handguns are my absolute favorite but a shorty rifle when you need it is the best. It beats a handgun often due to the inherent ease of shooting and power. Also shotguns but that's a whole different rant bby.

As always, I've been your Uncle Scruffy, your guide to the glorious history of guns, fine cuisine and where you hid those underwear you stole from that 2nd cousin you dirty bastard.

Guns and America forever, Uncle Scruffy