65 Our Seal and Standard (media.weekendgunnit.win) posted 4 years ago by King_Noob 4 years ago by King_Noob +66 / -1 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
As the creator of the current sidebar image, i nominate this to be the new sidebar image.
Striker drag? Guess it was fired out of a Sig.
Fight like an autist
For faggots, by retards.
Pretty good except for the Trump hat. Not sure how that stepping faggot is related to the great people of this sub but the rest of the seal is pretty good.
The .win was created because the cheddit chi commies tried to install their own faggot moderators on T_D.
Yeah but Trump's gone and weekendgunnit doesn't need him. The hat makes it cringe.
That's honestly amazing and makes me happy.
Needs quads.
Can we get a version without the hat?
It is great though.
Edit: Listen downvoting fags, Trump was for redflag laws AND the bumpstock ban, so fuck off.
They’ve infiltrated our ranks.
"Please be patient, I have autism" hat would be better.
I second this. The Trump hat is just straight-up Down syndrome.
No meth?
Fuckin bravo.
To this I say "Reeee" We are the knights thats say Reeeee!
Still got this sticker on my beer cooler
I'd replace the maga hat with quad nods. I have nothing against MAGA, it's just not a thing that makes sense here.
Fuck Trump, he's a stepper. And fuck you if you support him, redcoat.