We know the FBI likes to 'keep an eye on' mentally unstable men. Who's more mentally unstable than a loser transvestite illegal alien who lives with his grandmother?
Are there any legitimate sources for the shooter being a transvestite or an illegal because all
I’ve seen are shitty photos on 4chan that definitely are not the same person and yes I’m being a fag asking for a source
We're in a post-truth society. The left is going to alter the saturation of his photograph and call him a white supremacist, and I'm going to call him a tranny.
Probably not a tranny but his friend did say that he was bullied for his choice of clothing. /pol/ is 50% bots, 49% mouthbreathing retards, and 1% insightful posters, which is still orders of magnitude better than pl*bbit, Twatter, and Faceberg. Most likely scenario is that he’s just another case of an angry guy with no job prospects, no future, and nothing to lose, beaten down by a decaying, morally degenerate society. Many such cases
Oh good afternoon fed, I see your agency fucked this one up, its supposed to only be white supremacists shooting up minorities, right? Might want to have a meeting
Extremely disappointed in how low fedman2423 has sunk from not supporting small businesses for having different designs to now his straight up glowly post about how no shootings are govt influenced
Once again this school shooting glows. What 18 year old living with his grandma can afford a $2500 rifle
We know the FBI likes to 'keep an eye on' mentally unstable men. Who's more mentally unstable than a loser transvestite illegal alien who lives with his grandmother?
Are there any legitimate sources for the shooter being a transvestite or an illegal because all I’ve seen are shitty photos on 4chan that definitely are not the same person and yes I’m being a fag asking for a source
We're in a post-truth society. The left is going to alter the saturation of his photograph and call him a white supremacist, and I'm going to call him a tranny.
If he's a leftist there's a roughly 100% chance he's some kind of deviant or pervert anyways.
I'm reporting you to your branch manager for extremist views against your agency
Probably not a tranny but his friend did say that he was bullied for his choice of clothing. /pol/ is 50% bots, 49% mouthbreathing retards, and 1% insightful posters, which is still orders of magnitude better than pl*bbit, Twatter, and Faceberg. Most likely scenario is that he’s just another case of an angry guy with no job prospects, no future, and nothing to lose, beaten down by a decaying, morally degenerate society. Many such cases
Dude was broken inside. He chose elementary/middle school kids as his targets, didnt want a chance of someone fighting back.
They 100% would not encourage a tranny minority to become a mass shooter. This one will be off the news tomorrow
Either that or he'll be called a 'white male'.
Lol the new kind of Trans
They're already saying it was the gun's fault.
Oh good afternoon fed, I see your agency fucked this one up, its supposed to only be white supremacists shooting up minorities, right? Might want to have a meeting
Extremely disappointed in how low fedman2423 has sunk from not supporting small businesses for having different designs to now his straight up glowly post about how no shootings are govt influenced
Handing over your guns when they come for them is "supporting gun control"
35k agents isn't enough to enforce it, but please go ahead and start