Fill every cubic inch with tannerite and rig up a mechanism to activate it if the door is ever opened. Then shut the door and leave it alone. In your will, leave instructions that the ATF is to be given an anonymous tip about “illegal gun possession and sales” happening at your former address.
I feel so vindicated by this story. When I bought my safe, I refused to get one with an electric lock because I figured there had to be a backdoor code, or some easy way to pry that cheap plastic housing off and short circuit the ten cent chinesium board they are most likely made on. It's an obvious weak link.
Call your local liberty dealer and tell them your locked out (even if you aren't)
Go through the verification process to have the local dealer send someone out to get you into your safe using the code liberty has on hand.
Use the instructions SecuRam has on their YouTube site to change the backup code to something temporary (while the lock smith is there). Fill out the paperwork that goes back to Liberty with the temporary code.
Once the locksmith leaves use the same procedure and temp code to set an actual code.
Now liberty has a bullshit code in their database and you won't show up on a list of people who called or used the web form to request their code be "expunged" from their database.
Fill every cubic inch with tannerite and rig up a mechanism to activate it if the door is ever opened. Then shut the door and leave it alone. In your will, leave instructions that the ATF is to be given an anonymous tip about “illegal gun possession and sales” happening at your former address.
Isn't there a battery connected to the lock that you have to replace from time to time?
Yep. Electronically locking safes use AA batteries. When they die, you can just take them out from the outside and pop them back in.
I feel so vindicated by this story. When I bought my safe, I refused to get one with an electric lock because I figured there had to be a backdoor code, or some easy way to pry that cheap plastic housing off and short circuit the ten cent chinesium board they are most likely made on. It's an obvious weak link.
Replace the lock.
Yeah OP's local locksmith should be able to do that easily. And then give it a new paint job.
My wife’s boyfriend told me to buy that color…
Every TouchPad lock has this problem, we just haven't heard about it yet
Have you tried zapping it?
Fill it with sex toys. The more absurd the better.
Make it so that when they do open the safe they will wish they had not.
Call your local liberty dealer and tell them your locked out (even if you aren't) Go through the verification process to have the local dealer send someone out to get you into your safe using the code liberty has on hand. Use the instructions SecuRam has on their YouTube site to change the backup code to something temporary (while the lock smith is there). Fill out the paperwork that goes back to Liberty with the temporary code. Once the locksmith leaves use the same procedure and temp code to set an actual code.
Now liberty has a bullshit code in their database and you won't show up on a list of people who called or used the web form to request their code be "expunged" from their database.