They don't want to leave you alone because they want to know what you're up to when you're left alone. When they don't know who their enemy might be or where they may come from that scares the shit out of them. Imagine if a large group of freedom fighters targeting commies but were dressed up like Antifa? Gotta give them credit. Their tactics of remaining anonymous and quickly moving from one target to another really throws a wrench into their system.
Goddamn do I love breakfast. Give me an osprey and a banquet can with some steak and eggs and toast and look out, I'm probably sporting a chub whether its Monday or not
Wanna neutralize the boog bois? Give us all tendies, beer and machine guns and we literally would have nothing to rebel against.
I wouldn't hate my government if they left me the fuck alone.
Select fire and a sandwich is all I really want
list of demands: 1 - don't stop me from buying anything I wanna buy
2 - leave me the fuck alone.
They don't want to leave you alone because they want to know what you're up to when you're left alone. When they don't know who their enemy might be or where they may come from that scares the shit out of them. Imagine if a large group of freedom fighters targeting commies but were dressed up like Antifa? Gotta give them credit. Their tactics of remaining anonymous and quickly moving from one target to another really throws a wrench into their system.
This didn't have to happen.
All I wanted to do was shoot machine guns at the range.
Constitual carry and repeal Hughes amendment. Maybe abolish the ATF. I dont even need a sandwich, got forest tendies.
Let's throw in cans for everyone and some steak and eggs and we're good.
Goddamn do I love breakfast. Give me an osprey and a banquet can with some steak and eggs and toast and look out, I'm probably sporting a chub whether its Monday or not
Osprey and a Coors banquet? Niiiice.
Such an easy solution, but they cannot help themselves.
I drive a hard bargain. If they supply me a lifetime supply of Vaseline, on top of your demands, I'll be set for life.
I don't mind paying for roads and the FDA that keeps horrible shit being passed off as food (mostly).
I think taxes need to be totally redone but again, I don't mind paying a fair share as a member of society.
That said we are fucking far off from that now.