Woke up and realized I hadn't had any meatloaf in forever and a day. Time to fix that!
1lb of ground beef, use low fat and lean. I used some good old grass fed Iowa stuff. Mix it with a cup of bread crumbs, 1 egg and 1 small onion finely chopped. Now let's add ketchup, some Worcestershire sauce, plenty of salt and pepper. Really spice the shit out of it.
Don't get ground beef in your urethra or AR chamber. Don't ask me how I know.
Mix that up in about a football shape. You're looking for a moist yet firm consistency to stand up.
Take some small potatoes and cut them in half. Cover the bottom of a baking pan in olive oil. Use a shit ton of parmesan cheese as well. Put the potatoes in there and cover them in some more oil just lightly. A good cooking spray works great.
.308 battle rifles need to come back.
Put both in the oven at 400 degrees. About 20 minutes in cover the meatloaf in the following mix. 3/4 cup ketchup, a big damn dollop of bbq sauce and a huge fucking squirt of sriracha. Mix it and cover that loaf bukkake style.
Loaf is about 50 minutes and the potatoes are 45 min.
As always, if you love America and guns uncle Scruffy loves you, if you don't than go get aids from a clown you fuck.
Meat loaf is actually the only reason I own a bottle of ketchup. I literally use it on nothing else.
The sriracha was really the star of the show on this meatloaf glaze today. Just had a second helping and the zip that it adds makes the loaf taste damn good.
Woke up and realized I hadn't had any meatloaf in forever and a day. Time to fix that!
As always, if you love America and guns uncle Scruffy loves you, if you don't than go get aids from a clown you fuck.
Uncle Scruffy
ok, I like it... but how do I cook my Glock?
You're putting it in the wrong end. You gotta oil it good and then zap carry it. It slowly becomes a part of you until you can sneeze 9mm.
That makes sense, unless it involves my wife, if something isn't working it usually means I'm doing it wrong.
What, no ketchup and corn fat glaze? And you call yourself a cook. I bet this doesn’t do shit to your arteries.
Also, meatloaf with only one type of meat? You’re better than that.
Meatloaf is like chili. There's lots of variations.
I totally get what you're saying about the two kinds of meat though. Ground pork does wonders.
Interesting thought on glaze you had. The one I did with ketchup, famous Dave's sweet and sassy and sriracha turned out great.
TBF BBQ + ketchup would probably come out about the same and sounds good I'm just memeing. I'm also cheap.
That's fair.
Meat loaf is actually the only reason I own a bottle of ketchup. I literally use it on nothing else.
The sriracha was really the star of the show on this meatloaf glaze today. Just had a second helping and the zip that it adds makes the loaf taste damn good.
Looks good Scruff, glad to see you’re back.
Good to be back.