Wouldn’t even have to pull the trigger, that shit would scare off any average mugger, and the antifags will think you’re a Harry Potter character and submit to you.
Stepper in chief of MI says I have to wear a mask. Good thing I’m retarded and own this. No toes because the polish isn’t dry and I’m too fat to get my foot on the table.
Don't have to wear a mask if you have a medical condition... and according to my doctor (an infectious disease specialist), most people shouldn't wear masks as a general rule since it could lead to hypoxia/worsened organ function.
I have heard people try this, or legit have asthma and the store just refuses entry and asks what they need. They say we will bring the items out to you. Like a personal shopper. Doesn't violate the ADA and they still don't allow you to mingle with the good Sheeple.
A man of taste I see, the 19X is the "piece" de resistance in this photo. I've noticed no one ever says anything to me about not wearing a mask when I'm open carrying my 19X. However I gotta fly to CA in a couple months and you best believe I'm wearing a hazmat suit
My 19X rides comfortably next to my dick so it looks bigger. I don’t generally open carry since my only OWB holsters are on belts for competition or the range, and I’d look like a turbo retard walking around with three mags, a rifle mag, a dump pouch, and a UBL mid ride.
I honestly despise the democratic party, gun control and communism.
That said, scientifically there is a basis for particulate matter being contained in a cloth cover. I point out the logic of covering your face when you cough or sneeze.
There's also historical precedent for flu pandemics. 1917 and I wanna say '47? Could have that second date wrong. Pandemics are real, especially in the huge urban centers liberal faggots enjoy.
I honestly think there's a weird conspiracy to stop teaching history accurately. People are so fucking stupid they can't see past their own limited life span to learn from history.
Partisan politics have utterly fucking ruined any discussion on science and logic.
Lots of people are a-symptomatic and many states are having upsurges in cases. Personally I'm seeing stuff explode in my area as well as the area my parents live in.
Plus often by the time people feel unwell they have already had an active infection for some time. This is as true for the common cold as it is for a regular flu or the rona.
Personally I think masks should be worn until there is an effective vaccine and means of treatment.
Let's take a minute and look at the 1918 flu pandemic. According to cdc stats 500 million people were infected, 50 million died and 675 thousand of those were Americans. I've personally seen the mass graves. They build roads over them now.
Again man, I fucking hate liberal democrat faggotry, I am not a social justice warrior and i am an eternal enemy of communism and gun control.
But I know too much about science and history to not take this seriously and just wear cloth over my beard when at work or when I leave my van down by the river.
I also know how bad this is for a great many individuals with pre existing conditions.
It's not about politics, it's about viral life cycles and a giant cattle like population penned into cities.
I do thank you for your insight and discussion and wish you much hot tendies and hot meth.
TL;DR- It was all supposed to be "15 days to flatten the curve"
This is the slippery slope to Bill Gates' quantum dot ID(666) proving you had the vaccine. Just remember the more you slide down the slope the longer you have to climb back up once you realize you are sliding. Maybe it stops at masks in a few weeks and I look like an asshole, or maybe it keeps sliding.
You should write down your hard "line in the sand" and stick to it....otherwise you will follow anything they tell you. Like a slow boiled frog! I for one am betting they force vaccines for employment and eventually grocery shopping. The slope always starts somewhere valid and small like "we just want to take down the Confederate statues I swear!" or any gun law that builds on more gun laws. You can now lose your gun rights via misdemeanor crimes with Red Flag laws coming. DWI limits have been going lower and lower as well. Slippery slopes are real when the evidence supports them. This situation fits the mold quite well.
Logic and critical thinking textbooks typically discuss slippery slope arguments as a form of fallacy but usually acknowledge that "slippery slope arguments can be good ones if the slope is real—that is, if there is good evidence that the consequences of the initial action are highly likely to occur. The strength of the argument depends on two factors. The first is the strength of each link in the causal chain; the argument cannot be stronger than its weakest link. The second is the number of links; the more links there are, the more likely it is that other factors could alter the consequences." ~Wikipedia
What you're saying and the view point of always being on the watch for tyranny is absolutely on point and has to be shouted from the roof tops. Much respect.
Individual employers can actually require things in the current legal precedent, I work in human services and my employer required a flu shot some years ago and the policy was later reversed. It's still legal even though I personally don't favor flu shots due to the variation inherent in the flu. They're a useless profit making device for an already bloated in the wrong ways healthcare system.
That's also in line with a government policy of letting businesses run themselves the same way that hobby lobby doesn't pay for birth control.
As regards my personal line it's totally related to individual liberty. To me wearing a piece of cloth over my face to inhibit spread of something potentially lethal, especially to older folks and people with pre existing conditions is no big deal. But invading private property or enforcing regulations on private property is right fucking out. Stay the fuck off my lawn mr government.
I'm a man of science and viral lifecycles and their spread in an urban cattle like population is something I know a bit about. It's actually a serious deal. It's not a political thing on my end nor something that is without historical precedent. See the 1918 flu pandemic.
Inherently a cloth barrier helps resist the spread of particulates that are a primary means of transmission for the 'rona and a bunch of other shit. Like covering your mouth when you cough.
It's science. I'm a fan of that.
That said I thank you for your discussion and view point and wish you much hot tendies and meth as well as all the gats you can hold.
Thanks for the nice essay, I honestly read it all! You must have burned through all your meth fueling that, much respect.
The real question is what happens when all of society chooses a path you disagree with? I think the only honorable choice is to divorce yourself from that society. I fear that point is coming soon. Where people must choice, cuck to society no matter how "wrong" they are, or walk off into the sunset to become Amish.
Essentially one study found that in high intensity settings with extreme close quarters contact with people certain to be a sick a cloth mask was not an effective ppe?
That was a known thing before.
The study doesn't do much to settle the efficacy of a cloth mask for some fat cunt going to arbies or china mart to buy some shit with adequate social distance and everyone washing their genital touchers. It's an interesting study and I respect you much for submitting a peer reviewed source of some credibility.
I would submit the theoretical hypothesis that "a cloth mask reduces infection in low intensity interactions as a function of day to day living with other precautions in place".
I would respectfully submit that said health care ward would not be a controlled environment but a source of high intensity infection and without the other relevant protective factors of distance and staying away from infected individuals.
Also, that fart smell is just part of it. Farts are also a minor explosion of particles of material that are stopped by the clothing you're wearing but not noticeable like a shart would be.
Most of what I have read indicates cloth masks do some good under low Intensity situations.
All that article does is really emphasize the importance of good medical grade masks. This is something that was known before.
If you don't want to wear a mask that's you. I'm not going to make you. But quoting one article and then attempting to use it try and disprove all masks isn't a viable tactic.
One retraction of a study that claimed to invalidate masks and one study published by the Lancet as of june of this year.
As of thinking hospitals are "evil" or some faggot moral term? No, they're institutions that abide by understanding and social pressure of the time. They should be held to task for charging $100 for a fucking bag of saline.
They're not legally liable for not using cloth masks before hand but I submit that masks in addition to other protocols are effective in limiting the spread of the rona.
All your pet study really says is that you definitely want a good ass surgical mask if you work in a hospital. By that logic, no, you don't need a cloth mask you need a surgical one.
One of my favorite things about people is to attempt to believe reality into a shape they prefer. Did you know when cruise ships go down passengers sometimes try and run and hide in their rooms and lock the door? It's an observable phenomenon in crisis that human beings have.
TRUE TLDR: wear a covering over your nose & mouth, it will be 90-99% effective depending on the weave and material density. Stay 6 feet away from people because you can still get infected by airborne virus/bacteria thru your eyes.
Nah dude, farts smell because you're not just exuding methane but also sulfur-based organic compounds (hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, I suppose thiols possibly if you eat dangerously overprocessed tendies too).
Sulfides are noticeable by smell at concentrations of around 0.2 parts per billion. In other words, your cropduster doesn't need much fertilizer to spread the unholey nasty to everyone within 1-10 feet of you (depending on your diet).
You do not fart out bacteria. The smallest bacteria are 50,000 times bigger than hydrogen sulfide molecules. Bacteria does escape your anus, but it's (literally) in the form of poop - as your food passes thru your intestines, some of your gut flora goes along for the ride and continues to breakdown what you've eaten until (and even after) you've expelled it.
TLDR pt 2: Cloth masks will protect you from inhaling airborne bacteria/viruses with 92-99% efficacy depending on the density of the fabric and tightness of the weave. They will not protect you from the smell lizurds propagate when they talk because they gobble up shit like gun control propaganda at rates too high for human consumption (and eating shit affects their breath).
So, the moisture collected on the inside of the mask, the exhaled particulate aerosolized moisture from the mouth and respiratory tract isn't in fact trapped by the mask?
That's nonsensical. Seriously. It's like covering your motherfucking mouth and nose when you sneeze and cough. Fabric traps the exhaled shit from every breath. Yes some still gets through but the vast majority is stopped.
I've also seek gel cultures that show a clear distinction between infectious matter spread through a cloth mask and without. There is a fucking clear difference between the uncoverd vs covered in terms of transmission of infectious matter than then grows in the gel culture.
Oh boy! I get to have the same faggot conversation over again! Hooray!
'Cept the last guy and I quoted peer reviewed medical journals at each other and that was at least interesting.
I'm not going to sit here and re discuss this. Read the earlier, better argued conversation I had with that guy if you want.
I don't care and I am done wasting my time.
Next time this comes up I'm just going to lock eyes, seriously make some eye contact with the person talking and then proceed to masturbate to completion without ever losing eye contact.
Private property owners can ask you to leave without it. I’d rather wear my mask than have to go to the shitty gas station on the other side of town with the meth heads.
Only indoor public space. I carry it so that Kroger doesn’t call stormtroopers to fine me like they did some dumb broad that argued last week. I don’t wear it outside, and definitely not in my fucking car.
That a 19x?
Fucking hawt.
I need a light and holster for my 17.
You don’t need a holster if you zap carry. Get da beamz dawg.
Then if the light turns on while zap carrying it will shine out of my eyes like I'm a jack o lantern.
Solid win honestly.
Wouldn’t even have to pull the trigger, that shit would scare off any average mugger, and the antifags will think you’re a Harry Potter character and submit to you.
(Smearing glock with crisco, the fisters choice lube)
You got a way with words that could sell ice to eskimos fren.
Ahhh Crisco. The only essential oil I use to align my chakras.
Stepper in chief of MI says I have to wear a mask. Good thing I’m retarded and own this. No toes because the polish isn’t dry and I’m too fat to get my foot on the table.
Don't have to wear a mask if you have a medical condition... and according to my doctor (an infectious disease specialist), most people shouldn't wear masks as a general rule since it could lead to hypoxia/worsened organ function.
I wonder if I can convince people being a fat fuck is my medical condition.
I have heard people try this, or legit have asthma and the store just refuses entry and asks what they need. They say we will bring the items out to you. Like a personal shopper. Doesn't violate the ADA and they still don't allow you to mingle with the good Sheeple.
Based on her love of anus-tearing buttsecks, I think her EDC should also include astroglide.
A man of taste I see, the 19X is the "piece" de resistance in this photo. I've noticed no one ever says anything to me about not wearing a mask when I'm open carrying my 19X. However I gotta fly to CA in a couple months and you best believe I'm wearing a hazmat suit
My 19X rides comfortably next to my dick so it looks bigger. I don’t generally open carry since my only OWB holsters are on belts for competition or the range, and I’d look like a turbo retard walking around with three mags, a rifle mag, a dump pouch, and a UBL mid ride.
You could carry tendies in your dump pouch, and you could see if you could fit your phone in there instead of your rifle mag.
Brb going to Walmart for tendies, this is retarded enough to work.
I honestly despise the democratic party, gun control and communism.
That said, scientifically there is a basis for particulate matter being contained in a cloth cover. I point out the logic of covering your face when you cough or sneeze.
There's also historical precedent for flu pandemics. 1917 and I wanna say '47? Could have that second date wrong. Pandemics are real, especially in the huge urban centers liberal faggots enjoy.
I honestly think there's a weird conspiracy to stop teaching history accurately. People are so fucking stupid they can't see past their own limited life span to learn from history.
Partisan politics have utterly fucking ruined any discussion on science and logic.
There's a basis if you're sick.
At what death rate do we get to stop wearing the mask? Here's the chart showing deaths/wk over the past few months: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm
At what point can we drop this shit?
Lots of people are a-symptomatic and many states are having upsurges in cases. Personally I'm seeing stuff explode in my area as well as the area my parents live in.
Plus often by the time people feel unwell they have already had an active infection for some time. This is as true for the common cold as it is for a regular flu or the rona.
Personally I think masks should be worn until there is an effective vaccine and means of treatment.
Let's take a minute and look at the 1918 flu pandemic. According to cdc stats 500 million people were infected, 50 million died and 675 thousand of those were Americans. I've personally seen the mass graves. They build roads over them now.
Again man, I fucking hate liberal democrat faggotry, I am not a social justice warrior and i am an eternal enemy of communism and gun control.
But I know too much about science and history to not take this seriously and just wear cloth over my beard when at work or when I leave my van down by the river.
I also know how bad this is for a great many individuals with pre existing conditions.
It's not about politics, it's about viral life cycles and a giant cattle like population penned into cities.
I do thank you for your insight and discussion and wish you much hot tendies and hot meth.
Uncle Scruffy
TL;DR- It was all supposed to be "15 days to flatten the curve"
This is the slippery slope to Bill Gates' quantum dot ID(666) proving you had the vaccine. Just remember the more you slide down the slope the longer you have to climb back up once you realize you are sliding. Maybe it stops at masks in a few weeks and I look like an asshole, or maybe it keeps sliding.
You should write down your hard "line in the sand" and stick to it....otherwise you will follow anything they tell you. Like a slow boiled frog! I for one am betting they force vaccines for employment and eventually grocery shopping. The slope always starts somewhere valid and small like "we just want to take down the Confederate statues I swear!" or any gun law that builds on more gun laws. You can now lose your gun rights via misdemeanor crimes with Red Flag laws coming. DWI limits have been going lower and lower as well. Slippery slopes are real when the evidence supports them. This situation fits the mold quite well.
What you're saying and the view point of always being on the watch for tyranny is absolutely on point and has to be shouted from the roof tops. Much respect.
Individual employers can actually require things in the current legal precedent, I work in human services and my employer required a flu shot some years ago and the policy was later reversed. It's still legal even though I personally don't favor flu shots due to the variation inherent in the flu. They're a useless profit making device for an already bloated in the wrong ways healthcare system.
That's also in line with a government policy of letting businesses run themselves the same way that hobby lobby doesn't pay for birth control.
As regards my personal line it's totally related to individual liberty. To me wearing a piece of cloth over my face to inhibit spread of something potentially lethal, especially to older folks and people with pre existing conditions is no big deal. But invading private property or enforcing regulations on private property is right fucking out. Stay the fuck off my lawn mr government.
I'm a man of science and viral lifecycles and their spread in an urban cattle like population is something I know a bit about. It's actually a serious deal. It's not a political thing on my end nor something that is without historical precedent. See the 1918 flu pandemic.
Inherently a cloth barrier helps resist the spread of particulates that are a primary means of transmission for the 'rona and a bunch of other shit. Like covering your mouth when you cough.
It's science. I'm a fan of that.
That said I thank you for your discussion and view point and wish you much hot tendies and meth as well as all the gats you can hold.
Uncle Scruffy
Thanks for the nice essay, I honestly read it all! You must have burned through all your meth fueling that, much respect.
The real question is what happens when all of society chooses a path you disagree with? I think the only honorable choice is to divorce yourself from that society. I fear that point is coming soon. Where people must choice, cuck to society no matter how "wrong" they are, or walk off into the sunset to become Amish.
Also one of the purported drawbacks is poor maintenance and cleaning on the part of the wearers.
That's a drawback as old as humanity. People are stupid sometimes.
Essentially one study found that in high intensity settings with extreme close quarters contact with people certain to be a sick a cloth mask was not an effective ppe?
That was a known thing before.
The study doesn't do much to settle the efficacy of a cloth mask for some fat cunt going to arbies or china mart to buy some shit with adequate social distance and everyone washing their genital touchers. It's an interesting study and I respect you much for submitting a peer reviewed source of some credibility.
I would submit the theoretical hypothesis that "a cloth mask reduces infection in low intensity interactions as a function of day to day living with other precautions in place".
I would respectfully submit that said health care ward would not be a controlled environment but a source of high intensity infection and without the other relevant protective factors of distance and staying away from infected individuals.
Also, that fart smell is just part of it. Farts are also a minor explosion of particles of material that are stopped by the clothing you're wearing but not noticeable like a shart would be.
Most of what I have read indicates cloth masks do some good under low Intensity situations.
All that article does is really emphasize the importance of good medical grade masks. This is something that was known before.
If you don't want to wear a mask that's you. I'm not going to make you. But quoting one article and then attempting to use it try and disprove all masks isn't a viable tactic.
Of course I know journalists don't count sonny, this isn't my first rodeo.
One retraction of a study that claimed to invalidate masks and one study published by the Lancet as of june of this year.
As of thinking hospitals are "evil" or some faggot moral term? No, they're institutions that abide by understanding and social pressure of the time. They should be held to task for charging $100 for a fucking bag of saline.
They're not legally liable for not using cloth masks before hand but I submit that masks in addition to other protocols are effective in limiting the spread of the rona.
All your pet study really says is that you definitely want a good ass surgical mask if you work in a hospital. By that logic, no, you don't need a cloth mask you need a surgical one.
One of my favorite things about people is to attempt to believe reality into a shape they prefer. Did you know when cruise ships go down passengers sometimes try and run and hide in their rooms and lock the door? It's an observable phenomenon in crisis that human beings have.
TRUE TLDR: wear a covering over your nose & mouth, it will be 90-99% effective depending on the weave and material density. Stay 6 feet away from people because you can still get infected by airborne virus/bacteria thru your eyes.
Nah dude, farts smell because you're not just exuding methane but also sulfur-based organic compounds (hydrogen sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, I suppose thiols possibly if you eat dangerously overprocessed tendies too).
Sulfides are noticeable by smell at concentrations of around 0.2 parts per billion. In other words, your cropduster doesn't need much fertilizer to spread the unholey nasty to everyone within 1-10 feet of you (depending on your diet).
You do not fart out bacteria. The smallest bacteria are 50,000 times bigger than hydrogen sulfide molecules. Bacteria does escape your anus, but it's (literally) in the form of poop - as your food passes thru your intestines, some of your gut flora goes along for the ride and continues to breakdown what you've eaten until (and even after) you've expelled it.
TLDR pt 2: Cloth masks will protect you from inhaling airborne bacteria/viruses with 92-99% efficacy depending on the density of the fabric and tightness of the weave. They will not protect you from the smell lizurds propagate when they talk because they gobble up shit like gun control propaganda at rates too high for human consumption (and eating shit affects their breath).
So, the moisture collected on the inside of the mask, the exhaled particulate aerosolized moisture from the mouth and respiratory tract isn't in fact trapped by the mask?
That's nonsensical. Seriously. It's like covering your motherfucking mouth and nose when you sneeze and cough. Fabric traps the exhaled shit from every breath. Yes some still gets through but the vast majority is stopped.
I've also seek gel cultures that show a clear distinction between infectious matter spread through a cloth mask and without. There is a fucking clear difference between the uncoverd vs covered in terms of transmission of infectious matter than then grows in the gel culture.
Oh boy! I get to have the same faggot conversation over again! Hooray!
'Cept the last guy and I quoted peer reviewed medical journals at each other and that was at least interesting.
I'm not going to sit here and re discuss this. Read the earlier, better argued conversation I had with that guy if you want.
I don't care and I am done wasting my time.
Next time this comes up I'm just going to lock eyes, seriously make some eye contact with the person talking and then proceed to masturbate to completion without ever losing eye contact.
Calling someone a stepper and also complying with mask orders?
That's like being a Jew in the reich or...being Clayton Bigsby.
Private property owners can ask you to leave without it. I’d rather wear my mask than have to go to the shitty gas station on the other side of town with the meth heads.
quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius.
Based Star Trek.
Aye aye cap
Oh fuck. My cover’s blown. Now I’ve got to find a place for all these fuckin shekels.
I only wear it when I’m on private property and management tells me to put it on. Imagine violating other people’s property rights to own the libs.
Only indoor public space. I carry it so that Kroger doesn’t call stormtroopers to fine me like they did some dumb broad that argued last week. I don’t wear it outside, and definitely not in my fucking car.
I just want my Stroh’s without hassle.
I want to throw up when I see people alone in their car wearing a mask. Smooth brain cuck fucks!