He's a child that drove over state lines with someone else's rifle (minors can't own guns) to get into shit with protestors. He got into said shit and was attacked, fought back and killed a couple commies. Probably ruined his own life, his parents lives (or whoever gave him the gun), killed people while himself commiting several felonies, so will no doubt wind up facing at the very least manslaughter charges.
People out here idolizing him are retarded.
GayTF didn’t turn down his application, he’s too busy banging meth.
I can make sure your application gets rushed straight through though and give you a high priority status because it’s pretty clear you’re a certified faggot.
That's all well and good, but going through this new site looks like a red hat/thin blue line stronghold, not the retarded bunch of boog boys that used to inhabit bestgunnit.
Fuck off. Driving a rifle across state lines to mix it up and headshot commies is the pinnacle of boog retardation. I bet that kid would fit right in here.
I don't like the blue lives shit either. And I don't wear any sort of red hat. Why draw fire to my dome? But i sure af wear a Hawaiian shirt under my plate carrier.
Thing is, the red hat side is the only even mildly pro gun force in politics. If a maga hat wearing dude thinks I should have an AR than that makes me automatically like them more than everyone else that wants to fuck with my right to masturbate to European handguns.
Only by clear discussion and common ground can we win the fight against commies, steppers and people who.put ketchup on steak.
Minors can legally own rifles and shotguns. They cannot purchase them from a licensed dealer, but they can legally own and possess them. Only handguns require a minimum age of 18 to legally own and possess.
Who is this and what is he doing?
He’s a based zoomer and this is what he’s doing
best vid
Putting rounds down range and slotting commies.
He's a child that drove over state lines with someone else's rifle (minors can't own guns) to get into shit with protestors. He got into said shit and was attacked, fought back and killed a couple commies. Probably ruined his own life, his parents lives (or whoever gave him the gun), killed people while himself commiting several felonies, so will no doubt wind up facing at the very least manslaughter charges. People out here idolizing him are retarded.
"Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything"
"Fuck everything up for the rest of us so you can shoot some soibois"
The kid even helped the BLM movement by trying to surrender to the police, and was ignored.
Who let this faggot in?
Aww poor bootlicker
Where did you come from Faggot Dongbuster8999? Go back to DU and reddit, Commie kiddie diddler.
Bootlicking coward bitch.
Aww I'm sorry the GayTF turned down your job application. Shits rough.
Keep sucking that Commie dick soy boy.
GayTF didn’t turn down his application, he’s too busy banging meth.
I can make sure your application gets rushed straight through though and give you a high priority status because it’s pretty clear you’re a certified faggot.
Hey now, yeah, he is utterly, utterly fucked but how can you not see the humor in the shooting of those dumbass commies and their whole response?
Kid made a bunch of "not well thought out decisions" but hey, this place is for laughing at crazy shit.
That's all well and good, but going through this new site looks like a red hat/thin blue line stronghold, not the retarded bunch of boog boys that used to inhabit bestgunnit.
Fuck off. Driving a rifle across state lines to mix it up and headshot commies is the pinnacle of boog retardation. I bet that kid would fit right in here.
I don't like the blue lives shit either. And I don't wear any sort of red hat. Why draw fire to my dome? But i sure af wear a Hawaiian shirt under my plate carrier.
Thing is, the red hat side is the only even mildly pro gun force in politics. If a maga hat wearing dude thinks I should have an AR than that makes me automatically like them more than everyone else that wants to fuck with my right to masturbate to European handguns.
Only by clear discussion and common ground can we win the fight against commies, steppers and people who.put ketchup on steak.
Imagine being such a dumb faggot that you side with commies thinking that’s the boog. Stupid mother fucker
Dude, you're too retarded to be here.
Minors can legally own rifles and shotguns. They cannot purchase them from a licensed dealer, but they can legally own and possess them. Only handguns require a minimum age of 18 to legally own and possess.