Ok, so where is the meth? I can't count any spokes, I don't see any pusspuss, and there are definitely no tits in this picture. That one guy that posted pics of his Meemaw nude with a gun had a better grasp of what meth is than you do.
My AR drips. Unlike MDA.
I don't think I do.
I could make you not an incel. I've got a few hogs that would be mighty happy to have you in the pen with them.
Can you, like idk, find something better to waste my stolen tax dollars on? Like you could go make a child that's legitimately retarded get a tattoo again. Not like anyone will hate you any more than they already do. Or you could spend that money your fuck buddies in the IRS stole from Americans on some rope and hang yourself, that would at least achieve something, it would give your mom a reason to smile.
Okay. This is very important that you follow these directions exactly!
First, place the AR on a solid surface. 2nd, thrust your hips forward into the gun. 3rd, thrust your hips back away from the gun. 4th, repeat step 2 and 3 until you produce your own lube or start to bleed. Either work. 5th, put that poor fucking cucked AR out of its misery and get a rifle the way St Stoner intended his creations be. Select fire without any Cuckifornia bullshit.
So its a win win if you ask me.
It will work, and you get bullet tumble right out of the muzzle because the twist won't be 1:16
Not a select fire mp5 in a briefcase Hmmm
Literally Bri*ish propoganda.
He's too powerful to be shown in this meme.
Well, if you have a good sense of balance you can stand and shoot. Or you can rest your gun on the pool noodles I used to cover the sharp edges on the was roof and shoot that way. So I guess it's more of a gat party van than a viable alternative to a hilux.
The desert is God's highway, hippy.
The AC didn't work anymore and I'm poor
Nah, I took a Sawzall to the roof of my 3rd Gen 1986 4wd diesel Toyota Hiace.
Lemme do some research. I might have some skills with shitty free cadd programs.
BRN-180s in 300blk. Then you can fire folded and one handed like a true retard.
I don't know about expensive, but I at least have a convertible that's functional on more than just the highway.
There is a difference between meth and "no sleep, fight wendigo" crystals here, weeb.
Totally has nothing to do with Crotalus viridis. That would be stupid.
The can closest to you or stolen from a construction site, because fuck paying to huff paint.
1990s weebs?
The local fed never fails to amuse me.