Send them here this place won’t get the zucc and people outside of TD don’t know we exist
His BF is just making his zap carry holster larger so he can fit that AR-15 in there in case needs to threaten the jury with it in his next trial
Lol imagine believing in the justice system in 2021
Dumpster defenders
Hello my bio luminescent friend
Peak aesthetic
child rapist gets his dick shot off
Can someone explain he bullet wound? Did he get hit by a key hole or did it graze through his head?
BRB putting an MRO on my black powder single action army
It works as a butt plug
- trust me
CGI guns look fake and gay and movies will be worse than they already are
God bless Kyle hope he gets a fair trial but hard to believe he will
I have what my mom calls a “bad vocabulary” so I don’t know many n words but my older brother used to call me needle dick
Hit me right in the feels
Tism definitely spreading. Told all of my coworkers to get tested
No guns and anime skynet remove this filth
When your mom said you couldn’t buy a plate carrier so you steal her credit card and buy 7 pairs of jeans
62% chance that firing into a movie crew will kill a pedophile
“Let’s do another take Alec”
“How about I fucking shoot the both of you!”
Actually happened
Need to photoshop a gun in the blue mans hand
Most stuff put on AR-15 receivers is cringe like all the boomers that add punisher skills to their ARs
My theory is that Alex Baldwin got enraged and pointed the gun at these people when he wasn’t supposed to
Kinda based I don’t think the current French president would get near a gun
Pretty sure I’ll just get shot instead but thanks
Send them here we won’t get the zucc. People outside of TD don’t know this board exists