Short barrel in 380 auto?
Make sure it's auto. The ammo say auto, gun should be auto.
So the real question is which one of us is the real 'tist?
Also, fuck you for no guns, no toes, and no tits.
That poor mistreated revolver.
Hopefully it at least got a good cleaning and polish and has retired to sit above a fireplace somewhere.
Buy your nuggies all week and save them for Sunday.
"only pic 1 gun"...
False premise, but I'll play.
Neither. Grab a G3.
And if the gun can't handle bubba's PHRs, then whip out the spare hi point.
"economy rebounds"...
Yup. We're a bit past that happening at this point.
If you just want the ak operating system could try a galil in 5.56 or 308. But the sweet steel case 7.62 is going/gone for the time being.
Build a snub nose ar.
Be a man.
Aww... It'll be china's first attempt at a major amphibious invasion...
Yes. But they could've been picked up by someone who would. Just cause the parents are choads doesn't mean the kids always are.
"But I'm a nra member..."
Yeah all they are is Wayne's suit and vacation fund. Fuckin corrupt assholes negotiating our rights away with commies thinking they'll get a spot at the table later on. Or so shortsighted to think that things will work out giving away everyone's rights for their own personal enrichment.
Accuracy is more of a suggestion anyway.
And it's irrelevant if you send fast enough.
Make full auto accessible to everyone, not just the rich or criminals
Why wait for Brandon (ak) 50 when have Barrett 50 right here?
Do it.
Force them to face the Idiocracy they have created....
Thoughts on psa importing Russian equipment to make steel case 7.62 & 5.45?
Only the ones you raze to the ground at this rate.
Blue cities.
Most Texans don't seem to claim Austin.
For when you gotta lay pipe at 4pm but also have to lay suppressing fire at 5:30?
Tannerite claymore baby
Was expecting this here.
Was not disappointed.
Fair point. In that case...
Is it time to turn a van into an ifv and have these mounted on the sides?
Feel like that kind of set up would do great for dealing with those mostly peaceful events.
Not a question but a meme suggestion.
You say vehicle, I say coffin. We are not the same.
Bonus if you use the boot loaded with javelin rockets.
Gas being $10/gal at our current rate?
Keep the welding goggles. Buy a blacksmith apron, high volume pump, gas hose, some pipe fittings and a nozzle. And lots of gas and styrofoam.
Light the way.
Even got the clowns and the jokers.