Data unclear.
New level IV cardboard plates don't fit in plate carrier. Please advise.
This year today, Kazakhstan is being more 'merican than 'merica.
Build Bulldozers...
And don't neglect buying your bean and bandaids.
🅱️e 🅱️ig 🅱️rain
Is mastering the ululating noise a prereq for that type of carry?
And what is the conceal carry version of this? A zap carry grenade and some fishing line? Or an antitank mine and a sledge hammer?
Wonder if you'd be able to get a discounted one in The Ukraine?
Fuck em. How long after the economy and the dollar collapsing do you think it will be before the country follows? Whether what's left of the constitution is finally tossed aside or our glorious "leaders" flee?
Semi-auto single shot dildo launcher.
Remove the trigger guard and it could be a meths best vibratory freind...
It has nra on it.
Don't be that cruel to the steel. It's innocent. It cannot help that some ass mistreated it and made it into a monster.
The best we can do is put it out of it's misery, and have it reforged into something worth the steel. And civilian owned full auto preferably.
If someone is suffering with dwarfism, then would a micro-uzi be a regular Uzi to them?
M240 + 2x100 rnd belts.
Find a way.
If you're a big chungus, then an M2 HB and a 100 rnd belt + fanny pack with tendies.
Now just waiting to see this sticking out of a 12 ga hollow point.
Checkmate fudd. Got your stopping power right here with bonus war crimes.
Even better-er when slam fired from an 1897 with a bayonet on the end.
More effective than a 22 hollow point filled with rat poison? But not as effective as ruskie polonium pellets?
Where tannerite?
All good. He has a Beano bottle holding his ammo.
Romanian dong + chili bean can = chili dong.
Thought that was a given in this forum.
Get it and test on local pedos.
Let us know the results.
Merry Christmas ya filthy animals.
Hope you got all the tendies, ammo, and triggers that your tacktisticular fanny packs and zap holsters can fit.
You don't hide in the barrel?
Don't eat the cosmoline.
At least put some grated red and green crayons on it first. Make a meal out of it.
Pawns in the game of great clownery?
Gotta wonder if this is how the Romans felt in Italy during the fall of the western empire. Anyone know any good reading?
Damnit that's what I came here to say.
I need this store near me.
Someone make it happen.
Does that guy know what community this is?
Get back to doing mag dumps and eating tendies ASAP.
You'll be back to your laying before you know it. In the meantime better stay strapped in case a mouse sees your honey mustard and decides he wants it.