As a guy that talks out of his ass professionally - that guy is talking out of his ass.
Like everything in my life tho - I don’t actually know…. I’m just confidently saying shit that seems plausible.
Those are sharp looking. The only way I could tell those were 10-22s were the mags.
I will shame you for all that unused rail space though. SHAME!
Hear hear! This post was almost perfect. Needs more toes. And I see some pic rail that could use some accessories…
Say it louder for the people in the back!
It would probably work for a few rounds at least.
- Fuck more
- Shoot more
- Bitch less
- Solve problems
Wouldn’t hurt to lose a few pounds along the way too
Double-Ought duck? Lethal AND insulting? Sweet!
You. I like you.
This is better than onlyfans. 🤤
Damn straight! I want to smell them thru the pic.
I have a buddy that just loves 10MM. He talks about his love of the cartridge several times a week. I now know what I’m getting him for his birthday.
There are still a few of us out here. Post some OC pics of your guns and feet please. Thanks in advance, fren.
No bringing back dead people? What about animals? Can we bring back all those poor dead doggos ended early by steppers?
Then set them loose in BATFE field offices everywhere to get their revenge. Watch in excitement as Undead Cujo bites the tips of dicks off agents, leaving them with criminally short barrels.
It’s famous for its use in movies, but it isn’t complete dog shit like a deagle. Has hammer, goes bang. 4/5 pews.
Ok, hang on a sec…. Am I? Umm…. Well let me just ask you guys…
If I buy an ATF hat and jacket for my wife, then hate-fuck the absolute shit out of her. Is that an OK fetish?
Cause I’m thinking of doing just that now….
Also - Fuck you guys for putting that idea in my head.
You would need to fill out a form 1 and register the wood chipper as an AOW with BATFE.
The shotty on the left needs more accessories. Where is your bipod, bicycle horn and chainsaw?
How long before this one gets a rattle can job too?
He seems touched by the ‘tism, imo…
Zap carry
Wait a sec, is that the same shotty you had pressed up against your balls last week? Nice paint job.
What a beauty.
Santa crosses international borders and doesn’t give a shit. He doesn’t file paper work, doesn’t care about airspace, couldn’t care less about ‘laws’. Hell he is probably loaded on eggnog half the time. He lives a a frozen wasteland and would consider Siberia warm.
Of course Santa rocks an AK. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was in the KGB.
As far as zap carry? Mini Draco. Lubed up with nog.
No thanks, fedboi.
Tell me more about this shotty? Talk slowly in your best Barry White voice.