Probably-Pooping 4 points ago +4 / -0

Damn straight! I want to smell them thru the pic.

Probably-Pooping 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have a buddy that just loves 10MM. He talks about his love of the cartridge several times a week. I now know what I’m getting him for his birthday.

Probably-Pooping 6 points ago +6 / -0

There are still a few of us out here. Post some OC pics of your guns and feet please. Thanks in advance, fren.

Probably-Pooping 2 points ago +2 / -0

No bringing back dead people? What about animals? Can we bring back all those poor dead doggos ended early by steppers?

Then set them loose in BATFE field offices everywhere to get their revenge. Watch in excitement as Undead Cujo bites the tips of dicks off agents, leaving them with criminally short barrels.

Probably-Pooping 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s famous for its use in movies, but it isn’t complete dog shit like a deagle. Has hammer, goes bang. 4/5 pews.

Probably-Pooping 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ok, hang on a sec…. Am I? Umm…. Well let me just ask you guys…

If I buy an ATF hat and jacket for my wife, then hate-fuck the absolute shit out of her. Is that an OK fetish?

Cause I’m thinking of doing just that now….

Also - Fuck you guys for putting that idea in my head.

Probably-Pooping 3 points ago +3 / -0

You would need to fill out a form 1 and register the wood chipper as an AOW with BATFE.

Probably-Pooping 5 points ago +5 / -0

The shotty on the left needs more accessories. Where is your bipod, bicycle horn and chainsaw?

Probably-Pooping 4 points ago +4 / -0

How long before this one gets a rattle can job too?

Probably-Pooping 1 point ago +1 / -0

He seems touched by the ‘tism, imo…

Probably-Pooping 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wait a sec, is that the same shotty you had pressed up against your balls last week? Nice paint job.

Probably-Pooping 5 points ago +5 / -0

Santa crosses international borders and doesn’t give a shit. He doesn’t file paper work, doesn’t care about airspace, couldn’t care less about ‘laws’. Hell he is probably loaded on eggnog half the time. He lives a a frozen wasteland and would consider Siberia warm.

Of course Santa rocks an AK. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was in the KGB.

As far as zap carry? Mini Draco. Lubed up with nog.

Probably-Pooping 3 points ago +3 / -0

No thanks, fedboi.

Probably-Pooping 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just ammo? C’mon bro you can do better than that.

One of my neighbors had a claymore under their tree last year. Unfortunately their damn cat set it off in the middle of the night. So I wouldn’t recommend asking for one of those…

Probably-Pooping 6 points ago +6 / -0

I want Santa to deliver a Beretta 1301 tactical.

But I doubt he will because of what I did to Blitzen last year. His rack is hanging just above my mantel next to the tree.

Probably-Pooping 9 points ago +9 / -0

This needs some British nature show narration:

“Here we see two young males of the species ‘ghetto hood-rattious’ or commonly referred to as ‘street thugs’

These thugs are on a mission to improve their social status so they can fuck the hottest bitches and become babby-daddies.

Women in their culture prefer strong men who are capable of the most Gangsta shit imaginable. This usually involves pimpin’, slinging rocks, or fighting for territory. These two adolescents have chosen the latter option - territory disputes. They defend their territory with ‘tech-9s’ - which is to say any gun they can get their hands on. Actual Tech9’s are unaffordable and objectively shit.

After performing their heinous deed and murdering the poor white men that happened to walk into neighborhood, they run away to hide from any authorities.

Eventually they will re-emerge with rock-hard erections and impregnate as many bad bitches as possible before their retarded instagram posts alert the authorities to their whereabouts. They will then be arrested and serve the remainder of their life in state prison.

The spawn of these thugs will grow up fatherless. Upon reaching their teenage years they will repeat this behavior. And thus the circle of life will continue.

Thank you for watching. Please join us next week as we explore life in a midwestern trailer park.”

Probably-Pooping 4 points ago +4 / -0

GNN_RNR is back with more OC! God bless you, fren.

Now tell us - will your homemade vasectomy be performed with birdshot, buckshot, or slugs?

Probably-Pooping 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just imagine how bad a state needs to be for you to look to Idaho for salvation…. Damn.

Probably-Pooping 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, this is a wonderful gesture. I encourage leftists everywhere to throw their rifles into lakes.

In fact, I live near several lakes. Perhaps I should host a protest next Friday to fill my lake with guns and ammo.

Then on Saturday I can test out my SCUBA gear.

Probably-Pooping 4 points ago +4 / -0

And there’s a million of us,

Just like me.

Who cuss like me.

Who just don’t give a fuck like me.

Who dress like me,

walk, talk and act like me.

And just might be the next big thing,

But not quite me.

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