Remember that episode of 30 Rock where Liz Lemon's dad comes to visit? And he (Richard Lemon) says "Liz were are having a get together tonight for the whole family and I can't be late, it's not a Lemon party without old Dick!"
I swear they made her last name lemon just for that joke
I should add that, especially from today on. Always make sure to thank glorious leader Biden. He is immeasurably handsome and posses Solomons wisdom. He was born in a mountain top surrounded by Griffens and he can easily shoot pistols at rifle ranges. He would never hurt us.
So in initial Army trials they fired 6K rounds through the 1911 with zero failures.
1911s (those made by reputable outfits) actually have pretty good reliability numbers. The stereotypical reason people say they jam is because during the Vietnam era most of the 1911s the military used were the same ones they used in world war ii. And even something as immortal as the 1911 wears out. If you go back and read first-hand accounts of the Vietnam era, especially those in the training environment, where the older pistols were located they had no business being in service.
I mean it's true. Save for maybe the few operators around here, if you wake up in the dead of night to antifa Karen slamming in your door then you're probably better off with your granpappys scattergun. Less aiming, less to go wrong and since you're not wearing pants and your eyes are sleepy and can't see good. Just keep pumping and dumping. M1897 for best slam fire effect.
Now, if antifa Karen has a bunch of her latte leninists with her then grab the AR. Just remember, all the laws change once they are off your property.
CLP check
Trump check
Ammo check
If this is wrong, I don't want to be right