scruffyusp 2 points ago +2 / -0

He really does.

Guess they lowered the recruiting requirements for the feds too.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who's mad agent I-N-C-E-L?

All I'm doing is getting my tax dollars worth out of you by amusement.

You're such a fucking disgrace it's been fun to point it out.

Don't feel bad, hoover was into cross dressing too.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't call everyone a fed, just obviously glowing faggots such as yourself.

Also, you're allowed to say whatever you want to infiltrate us hate groups.

Holy shit you're bad at talking.

scruffyusp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, that's because I'm a human being. Hurting children is actually a vile thing. That's called morality. I don't think they teach that at your academy any more though.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you still think about someone raping and murdering children?

You sound like a sick fuck. Not joking. Seriously. That's gross and you're gross for thinking it.

The fuck is wrong with you agent? You sad you missed out on Waco due to being too young?

scruffyusp 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's fun how often you get details wrong when you try to guess anything about me or my actual life. You're really bad at profiling fed boy.

You also go way too easily to the reactionary "hur hur go suck ____'s dick".

You could have readily pointed out the substantial military aid we give Israel every year as a negative and a sign of political graft as Israel doesn't need that.

But no, you instead are too eager to show how incompetent you are.

Has anyone ever been proud of anything you have done? I kinda doubt it.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Psst, hey, also, notice how you switched from straight anti semitism to more general racism after I pointed it out?

Dance puppet dance!

Imagine how it would be if you were good at this instead of the fucking disappointment you are.

scruffyusp 5 points ago +5 / -0

Do you often think about people raping and torturing children to death agent I-N-C-E-L?

That sounds like a helluva nasty personal problem you have there. And it sounds like you're a predatory sex offender.

Sounds like you were born to be a federal agent!

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Incidentally, I wanted to make sure I emphasized the misspelling of "Nazi" whereas I referred to you as a "natzi".

While I differ wildly in ideology from a crewman on a King Tiger tank I reckon we both would agree you're an utter faggot and embarrassment. So there's that.

scruffyusp 8 points ago +8 / -0

That's. That's. That's. A thing.

I have aids in my eyes now. But I also laughed.

scruffyusp 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, I left that on another one that I figured no one would read as you're a boring fag, it was funny enough I am glad I brought it over. I don't usually recycle old material but you can fit so many dicks in your mouth it brings out my craftsman side.

I really enjoy how you project meaning and motive. It's pretty textbook. Your constant referring to the same theme is good times too.

Next time, try to sound more gun nut and less like a shitty federal agent LARPing as a natzi.

scruffyusp 10 points ago +10 / -0

Nice to see you again agent I-N-C-E-L!

I heard a federal agent died of rectal trauma trying to fuck a horse and I was worried we lost your guiding light!

You should honestly consider fucking that horse though, going out as a hilarious news story might be your only chance to be worth a fuck.

Yep, I'm implying that your only worth is that which someone can laugh at. Figured I had to spell it out since you're fucking stupid.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol I imagine we agree on a BUNCH.

I don't have a garage on my house so I'd be cool with just an MP7 and about 10k rounds.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you suppose conservatives will ever acknowledge that reagan was a fucking loser that voted for gun control on multiple occasions?

I reminded some folks in the main forum the other day and they weren't too happy. (Shrug)

He also gave the brady founder multiple blowjobs. While he was in a wheelchair bless his heart.

scruffyusp 4 points ago +4 / -0

What we really need to look at is common sense butt plug control. Every year dozens of people lose their lives from rectal trauma.

The very idea of making knives illegal is stupid when all you need is some metal and a grinder. I'm a fan of the ol' sharpened screwdriver. It's a classic where I buy forties of old English.

But you really need some resources to make a butt plug.

Machine guns? Those should be legal AF. I need a few.

scruffyusp 6 points ago +6 / -0

I dunno, you can really fuck up someone up close. It's awful but it can be done and done quick. If you don't have a gun you can probably get a piece of sharp metal.

Guns are way more practical and give you the chance of doing damage and walking away whereas knives, you might win and stj die later from how the other guy cut you when you were gutting him.

Guns are the absolute damn best though.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

They want more court challenges so they can play the victim some more with the idea of a supreme court enforcing the constitution.

Commies are all about victim status.

scruffyusp 7 points ago +7 / -0

Good thing I live in a non shitty state and have had a carry permit longer than some of you have been alive.

Also, this will not survive the first court challenge.

scruffyusp 7 points ago +7 / -0

I live in a 110 year old house with attic and basement.

My cat is a charismatic dude and I never have to set a mousetrap. It's a pretty solid benefit. Plus since he hangs out with dogs all day he thinks he's a dog.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +4 / -1

I'm rather a fan of what Jesus of Nazareth had to say personally. He seemed like a well spoken man whom believed in people very much. I don't much have a use for a great many modern trappings of organized religion, I find the hierarchy of churches to stifle thought, literacy and the quest for enlightenment that I believe characterizes a worthy life. it's been years since I met a priest I thought worthy of that title nor any other. Except perhaps "charlatan" and "useless faggot".

This is of no great consequence nor loss as I believe personally that there can be no intercession between a person and their God. It's the most personal relationship there is and bringing someone in a fancy robe into it doesn't make much sense to me.

I personally believe that God would carry a .45. (nods seriously)

Your polite, well spoken response is a credit to you and I wish health and wealth to you and your family.

Dictated but not read in a van down by the river while wearing nothing but swim wings, a plate carrier and a pirate hat,

Uncle Scruffy

scruffyusp 5 points ago +5 / -0

Okey-dokey bud, now I'm putting on my seriousness, such as it is. You have, at best, an hour before I am drunk.

This is the guy that helped with the autocard thing right? The pre stamped auto sears?

Because that's kinda like those assholes that post urban gangster esque pictures of their gun and drug stash what with the posing.

Now, they're going to have a hard time proving anything about a conspiracy for the GoFundMe thing. But he's honestly probably fucked since he did ads for premade machine gun parts, thus promoting them. That's conspiracy charges.

Now, I hate gun control and I think the a t f is the most useless organization in the world but if you do illegal shit as part of an open commercial venture it means you think a prison sexual relationship will be a positive change.

scruffyusp 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'll never for the life of me get your obsession with this cam girl. She's one homely bitch that looks like she smells like axe body spray and monster energy drink. And if she carries a gun it's a custom Smith and wesson m&p.

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