scruffyusp 6 points ago +6 / -0

Anyone ever build one of those 80 percent Glock 10mm kits?

Kinda want to just for fun and because I can spend money over a few months rather than all at once.

I need a sexy looking 10mm in a shoulder holster due to reasons. Miami Vice reasons.

scruffyusp 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lol yeah, he's the shittiest agent I've seen in some time.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol, yeah. I once heard that faggot say lubing a Glock or AR makes them fail.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm a show them. I've got a Toyota Prius t shirt on the way, gonna tell everybody i know I got rid of my guns.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ok, so you want to sell books anyone imaginative would have downloaded in PDF bit torrent style years ago?

You do you bud.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol, thank you. I'm flattered.

scruffyusp 8 points ago +8 / -0

Great, now do LARPers that think they're john Connor leading the resistance.

scruffyusp 7 points ago +7 / -0

With luck, it was a gut shot and the school shooting piece of shit had some time to reflect.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sweet.45 toting Christ YOU'RE NOT JOHN CONNOR!

Delusional states are often with a sense of over self importance.

Go the fuck outside and meet some girls.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +1 / -0

For fucks sake you self righteous fucking edgelord, get the fuck over yourself.

Comparing now to the 34 nfa act is fucking stupid and I'm on record as hating all gun control.

I'm just not buying into your little faggot dark web fantasy role play.

Now fucking seriously, stop with the "don't say no one warned you" shit.

Fuck, you sound like little goth boy at hot topic.

scruffyusp 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol right? When's the last time you heard someone seriously say "zog".

Holy shit if he's a fed suddenly I'm way less worried about the government if they have dumb fucks like that working for them.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's true. Unless you count the Gargamel looking dude that molested him and made him the Jew hating natzi he is.

Or, he's the most pathetic federal agent and lost the coin toss to have to infiltrate our merry group.

Either way, he's the kind of faggot that out faggots most faggots.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why, yes, that was rather the point wasn't it.

I must say Mr incel natzi, you're good at stating the obvious.

It's shame you're not much good at anything else. Probably why Gargamel lost interest.

Everyone gets bored with you eventually don't they?

scruffyusp 1 point ago +2 / -1

Lol, I got exactly what I wanted. and continue to do so.

Even now as you think about Gargamel and his giant nose and rough but tender touch I continue to get exactly what I want.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +3 / -2

That's about what I thought incel. You're a fucking herpes sore.

Don't worry though, I'll be right here whenever you post.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +5 / -2

Thanks, I consider myself well traveled.

Sometimes I talk to really stupid natzis too.

But of course, you knew that.

scruffyusp 2 points ago +4 / -2

Tell ya what, if I was old enough to have been your dad I would be sorry as fuck about that glory hole at the waffle house and not pulling out in time.

You're the best argument for abortion I have yet seen on this site. It makes me grateful that I don't have children of my own so I know they can't turn out like you.

Fucking seriously boy-child, either you're what you seem and a dumb faggot natzi or you're the worst federal agent ever.

Either way, fuck you and everything you say and do.

Now, do me a favor and try to say something entertaining and original. Of course, I don't think you will but there's that.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +5 / -2

I dunno incel, the incels I have met would disagree. They seem pretty adamant that they can't get laid and it's all someone else's fault.

scruffyusp 3 points ago +6 / -3

LMAO, they've been thinking it's going to get to that for longer than you, me and the jewish Gargamel looking guy that molested you and never called you back that made you this way have been alive.

They wanted this back 68 after Kennedy caught one and they wanted this in 34 when that dead cripple fdr tried to ban handguns.

But they keep failing, and in fact record gun sales and opposition to new gun control means they're failing further.

Stop selling your fear and race baiting ya faggot.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +3 / -2

Lol, you've no idea my actual age and that's on purpose. And you're quite bad at insults.

Also, I don't think anyone else here is into signing up for your fag-reich. It's just me and GNN vocally fucking with you because it's fun and you're an easy target.

scruffyusp 8 points ago +11 / -3

Lol ok but if everyone here is making fun of you, and no one is falling for your line of bullshit doesn't that mean that you are the problem?

Stop being such a faggot and lighten the fuck up.

scruffyusp 1 point ago +4 / -3

You gotta believe in yourself more than that. That kinda self defeating language will just fuck you up.

You need to go look in the mirror and proudly announce that you're a man who can't get fucked and can't infiltrate "hate groups" despite wanting to.

scruffyusp 4 points ago +7 / -3

He's actually posted fun things here, whereas you have.....not.

Unless you count fucking with you and calling you an incel. That is pretty fun.

scruffyusp 9 points ago +10 / -1

So do imams, teachers aaaand

Government agencies.

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