That's a good point. I do like them pushing the envelope.
Vaporware that will take months to likely ship and not in high quantities.
It's neat it takes p90 mags.
It's not so neat that it's keltec. They always struck me as a company with cool ideas but poor quality control. Every gun they make feels cheap to me.
For that money i'd go cz scorpion micro and be better off.
It still looks cool and sorta like an mp7 if i squint and get wasted
I see suck boy tony has raised prices. It's been a while since i hit the glory hole since as my van broke down and it's parked permanently by the river. You're gonna fit in here fine new fren.
Real talk? I 100% want to shoot that salient.
The aero build i was speaking of is a .308 12.5 pistol. Piston question was overall future shit. And damn you're right on replacement part lengevity.
Machinists are always popular people.
I kinda want to build a straight up carry handle upper fence post 16a2 or, in my wildest fantasies, a pistol version of the rifle from "Heat", well, not wildest. Wildest is full auto bareback fucking full auto. SIGH.
Holy shit i want an FNC and to talk more about "Heat". Fuck i love being drunk and talking about that movie.
Now that's the stuff mah 'tist.
I can do naught but upvote thee.
Also, we're nicer than we seem.
69th fighting autists. The most feared guerrila unit in the lua. And the best fed.
Nah, domain name change.
Seriously though? They can find you on all this shit. Just don't say illegal shit where they will have reason to come find you.
In this beautiful country, it's legal to say the president and vice president are sopping herpetic cunts that stole the election. At least it's legal for the moment.
Adam west batman for the win!
That's some good stuff.
Honestly i prolly need to gucci the fuck out of my aero build.
OP posted about a place to meet like minded people in real life.
Erryone laughed and called him a fed glow boy.
OP reponded by posting a pic of a gun that is almost as good as a VP9 that costs 3-4 VP9s.
It's humor and it's also real world paranoia for a reason. I've been contacted by fools before.
They really, actually are out to get us.
What kind of tuarus is that?
(Hangs head in shame)
You're right. I was so enraged and distracted by my utter disgust and near apocalyptic blood alcohol level that i didn't notice the creeping socialist.
And we all know socialism is just communism without the courtesy lick before they shove it in.
As an act of contrition, i will go 5 minutes without touching a gun. (Starts staring at clock)
Piston AR15 uppers. Who maked good ones these days? Have they solved the carrier bounce/buffer tube eating issues?
I don't go below 4lbs for my pistol triggers. What's good for a rifle you will use for everything from fighting to competition to training? I am new to fancy rifle triggers.
Pork chop seasoning. I want to try something new. Any ideas welcome.
That's pretty much a building full of british cops in camo pajamas.
Not trusted with guns? Just like british cops.
Not allowed different opinions? See above.
Not allowing free speech? See above again.
Being useless ornaments? Lol guess what bby.
Motherfuckers turned Americans in uniform into (shudders and snarls) british cops.
I'm way too anti authoritarian to ever even have considered that life but i honestly feel bad for anyone in the services that loves America.
Literally, the armed guards with Springfield xds that service the ATMs at my local bodega are mote trusted than American soldiers.
What i meant was that autists will go to any length to get more guns. Personally, i know EXACTLY where PSA's storefronts are in beautiful South Carolina. If i have to, i will drive there with gold bullion.
I know i'm a fanatic but i gotta feel like there are more that feel the same.
Yeah, honestly i was so drunk when i originally posted that i didn't even see bernie the millionaire socialist there.
I just saw beijing biden and had to voice my disgust.
Lol ok tough guy.
I do!
The 2nd amendment is for all! Not just people that are obsessed with kraut space magic.
So, take into account the HUGE SCROTUM CRUSHING AMOUNT OF MONEY FOR GUN STUFF that has changed hands this last year. It's unprecedented and stuff.
Now, all that money will be spent somehow. It's just a matter of who can arrange it and get it done. I find it immensely hard to believe that a bank wjll suddenly stop making money by doing business with the most profitable and busy companies.
Now, if i was starting a new gun business i might be worried. Getting loans for those might be hard. But the fact that every round and cool gun made right now gets instantly sold is a good sign for us.
I think i joined when a lot of other people rolled in from larger reddit. I stayed for the free speech and gun related autism.
HK MR762 and a trijocon acog, surefire light. The rest on mags and ammo.
I love HK handguns so much but cannot imagine how to afford one of those rifles.
That's a pretty wicked fully semiautomatic assault weapon with the high capacity thing that goes up.