*proceeds to never invent anything of merit, erect a monument, develop a civilization, domesticate an animal, create a sailboat, or invent a wheel or wheelbarrow*
If you're going to be cringe, don't do it with easy fact common knowledge stuff:
Also, the North Africans had plenty of domestic animals (Numidian Calvary how the fuck can you forget that) but Sub Saharan didn't have animals capable of domestication. With all our technology today we can domesticate Zebras and shit
*I'll grant debatable but not if you're of the Grah Hancock persuasion
I did this laying in bed with a solid buzz in about 20 minutes. I once wrote an entire Nutnfancy fanfic where he iced a team of terrorists in Afghanistan. It took three full Reddit comments to contain it. You can probably still see it if you search Reddit for my username... same one here as there.
Modern floors in the second floor are very rarely rated for anything above 100lb/sq.ft. So I'd be hesitant to put sandbags on the floor up stairs. Better bet is to make all the outside changes but compromise the foundation with a large amount of tunnels under the property. That way they spend all the effort and time besieging the house only for you to drop the building on top of them when while you run away like Charlie in the tunnels.
It's in the hidden basement with the gasoline/styrofoam napalm and the KNO3 stump remover/fuel oil explosive mixture. Gotta light it at juuuuussst the right moment... preferably remotely from half a mile away.
Speaking of bbq, let’s get a nice rack of pork spare ribs going.
I’d say low and slow is always your best bet so you’re gonna wanna charcoal these babies unless you intend to use propane tanks for other, more fun, things in time of emergency. But then you’d still need charcoal because the cooking must go on.
First off, you’re gonna want to let your ribs get to room temperature while you make your sauce out of several easily obtained ingredients since we live in a nation that practices the glory of capitalism. It turns out that Commie faggots can’t have hoisin sauce and you’re gonna need it, garlic powder, paprika, instant coffee, salt, and fresh ground pepper.
FRESH ground pepper. Grind it with a gun in every pocket of the Daisy dukes you’re wearing. Remember to drink your sixth beer while you do so. Not on your sixth beer? What the fuck have you been doing.
Slather those ribs liberally in sauce. Not, like, in the dick sucking Antifa liberal way where you just whine about shit and then break someone else’s stuff, liberal in the way that I slather your mom before givin her a one way ticket on the D Train to pound town. Oftentimes while doing so I think about how much abuse an AK can take. She can’t take near that much and it’s why I’ll never love her.
Wrap the ribs up in aluminum foil and make yourself a hat while you’re at it. That grill should be somewhere in the high 200s if you’re fancy and have a thermometer or too hot to stick your dick in if you’re my kind of autist. Leave the ribs on and go jerk it to HK manuals while you finish your fourteenth beer. When the whole pack gets to about 165F internally, or again too hot for the tip of your little patriot, unwrap them.
You’re gonna want to re-sauce them and throw them back on the grill for another ten or so minutes. Resist the urge to use CLP. Drink your twenty-third beer. Pull them suckers off, plate them, and chow down.
Think about what a moral failure communism is. Uncle Scruffy taught me that the AK47 is the only thing communism ever produced that works, including communism. Eat the whole rack of ribs. Fingerfuck your cheapest gun or meth with saucy fingers. Life is good.
Will this increase the resale value of my home in 2020?
Better joke than I thought I'd get, I assumed your response would be "something something black people don't have working electricity something jews"
Blacks aren't people, you dumb bitch.
There it is.
He's nothing, if not consistent
In my head I imagine you as "clayton bigsby". Google that shit if you want but sweet tits it's one of Dave Chappelle's best bits.
While I don't agree with your position I shall defend to the death your right to state it.
*proceeds to dance with copious hip thrusting*
*proceeds to kill multiple other blacks in a drive-by with a stolen gun while leftists blame legal guns owned by yT for muh gun violence epidemic*
*proceeds to never invent anything of merit, erect a monument, develop a civilization, domesticate an animal, create a sailboat, or invent a wheel or wheelbarrow*
I'm so glad race is just skin color!
You forgot never inventing written language
If you're going to be cringe, don't do it with easy fact common knowledge stuff:
Also, the North Africans had plenty of domestic animals (Numidian Calvary how the fuck can you forget that) but Sub Saharan didn't have animals capable of domestication. With all our technology today we can domesticate Zebras and shit
*I'll grant debatable but not if you're of the Grah Hancock persuasion
(Shrugs, throws some singles)
Yes, But not if you live in a neighborhood with an HOA
Imagine how satly they are going to be when they find this on your phone in day one of reeducation camp
You plan on making it to the camps?
Well what did I buy all this body armor for?
Plus all my guns are at the bottom of the ocean
What's a gun officer?
To quote a greater man than me:
"The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function"
I always liked the way Star Trek put it "Victory is life"
Why i use burner phones
Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the house,
Everyone was working,
Even my spouse.
The barbed wire was strung
By the chimney with care,
In hopes that the goons
Soon would breach there.
The children were nestled. To ambush the feds,
While visions of carnage
Danced in their heads.
And mama in her shemagh,
And I my boonie hat,
Had just settled in,
All prepared to clap.
When out on the lawn,
There arose such a clatter!
I sprang my my bunker,
To see what was the matter.
Away to the window. I flew like a flash,
Charged my 249. And got ready to smash.
The moon on the breast
Of the new fallen snow
Gave lustre of midday
To the objects below.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear?
But a big Humvee and eight tiny fed queers.
The little old driver,
So lithe and so quick,
I knew in a moment:
He loves to suck dick.
More rapid than eagles,
My backup then came.
I whistled, then signaled,
And mustered them by name.
Now Michael! Now Trevor!
Now Bryan, go get them!
On Clayton! On Steven!
On Connor! Now shoot them!
To the top of the porch!
To the top of the wall!
Now fire away! Fire away!
Fire away all!
As leaves that before
The wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle,
Mount to the sky;
So up to the rooftops,
My hoodrats they flew,
With packs full of guns,
Grenades, and meth, too.
And then, in a twinkling,
I heard from the roof,
The clatter of brass,
With gunsmoke as proof.
As I drew my own gun,
I focused on the sound.
'Twas bodies all dropping,
With each fired round.
They sprang towards the truck
Away with a whistle.
What they never saw coming,
Was our hidden TOW missle.
I heard them exclaim,
Before they drove out of sight,
None survived the fight.
The amount of spare time you have is almost as impressive as your writing
I did this laying in bed with a solid buzz in about 20 minutes. I once wrote an entire Nutnfancy fanfic where he iced a team of terrorists in Afghanistan. It took three full Reddit comments to contain it. You can probably still see it if you search Reddit for my username... same one here as there.
You should write pro my man, excellent
I don't think they publish books for retards... unless you count grade school reader books. You guys are all the audience I need.
I would read more of this shit anytime, anywhere
This is beautiful, i hope they make this into a children’s book
Modern floors in the second floor are very rarely rated for anything above 100lb/sq.ft. So I'd be hesitant to put sandbags on the floor up stairs. Better bet is to make all the outside changes but compromise the foundation with a large amount of tunnels under the property. That way they spend all the effort and time besieging the house only for you to drop the building on top of them when while you run away like Charlie in the tunnels.
Where is the bbq pit?
It's in the hidden basement with the gasoline/styrofoam napalm and the KNO3 stump remover/fuel oil explosive mixture. Gotta light it at juuuuussst the right moment... preferably remotely from half a mile away.
Speaking of bbq, let’s get a nice rack of pork spare ribs going.
I’d say low and slow is always your best bet so you’re gonna wanna charcoal these babies unless you intend to use propane tanks for other, more fun, things in time of emergency. But then you’d still need charcoal because the cooking must go on.
First off, you’re gonna want to let your ribs get to room temperature while you make your sauce out of several easily obtained ingredients since we live in a nation that practices the glory of capitalism. It turns out that Commie faggots can’t have hoisin sauce and you’re gonna need it, garlic powder, paprika, instant coffee, salt, and fresh ground pepper.
FRESH ground pepper. Grind it with a gun in every pocket of the Daisy dukes you’re wearing. Remember to drink your sixth beer while you do so. Not on your sixth beer? What the fuck have you been doing.
Slather those ribs liberally in sauce. Not, like, in the dick sucking Antifa liberal way where you just whine about shit and then break someone else’s stuff, liberal in the way that I slather your mom before givin her a one way ticket on the D Train to pound town. Oftentimes while doing so I think about how much abuse an AK can take. She can’t take near that much and it’s why I’ll never love her.
Wrap the ribs up in aluminum foil and make yourself a hat while you’re at it. That grill should be somewhere in the high 200s if you’re fancy and have a thermometer or too hot to stick your dick in if you’re my kind of autist. Leave the ribs on and go jerk it to HK manuals while you finish your fourteenth beer. When the whole pack gets to about 165F internally, or again too hot for the tip of your little patriot, unwrap them.
You’re gonna want to re-sauce them and throw them back on the grill for another ten or so minutes. Resist the urge to use CLP. Drink your twenty-third beer. Pull them suckers off, plate them, and chow down.
Think about what a moral failure communism is. Uncle Scruffy taught me that the AK47 is the only thing communism ever produced that works, including communism. Eat the whole rack of ribs. Fingerfuck your cheapest gun or meth with saucy fingers. Life is good.
That......was.......beautiful. (wipes teardrop from eye on daisy dukes)