remember to vote this month! If you don't vote, then the democrats don't know how many ballots to stuff so they can win by the narrowest margin by finding only blue votes at 3am.
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How long do you think I'll keep saying "I'll clean my guns later". I don't until they stop working. I know I'm a "non present parent" but I can also argue I'm torture testing them.
I asked a couple real-world operators about this. They all said roughly “I clean my guns about as often as I clean the engine of my car.”
They just add oil to maintain smooth operating. They said as long as you don’t it run dry, it should last thousands of rounds between cleanings.
It’s worth noting - They had really, really nice guns.
Have they ever spilled coors light directly into the action? Asking for a friend...who is me.
That’s your fault for drinking Coors.
I can’t help you.
Like, what kinda guns? And can you describe them to me slowly in a voice like Barry White?
My sp-5... With the LOONNNNGGG barrel
Black powder stuff should be cleaned immediately, but I don't, so my shit is all rusty and pitted.
I'd say modern guns can do at least 1k rounds.
No hypothesis for this besides intuition
So I have one cheap-ass Radical AR that I love to abuse. It went 1,500 rounds before it’s first malfunction. And that happened while I was shooting with the gun sideways while under a car. So there’s a good chance I had the ejection port too close to the ground.
I pumped another 500 rounds through it without issue. I bet I could have gotten away with a lot more, but I was out of ammo and the training course was over.
I still haven’t cleaned it. Partly because I’m curious, but mostly because I’m lazy.
ARs pretty much only get dirty to a certain point on the moving bits.
If you take a good look at the bolt, it's almost designed to scrape it's self and wheeze the chunks out.
Definitely depends on the gun. If you zap carry it's probably twice as long since you're technically lubricating them every time you holster.
I will say from experience the dumb rotating barrel on a Px4 locks up if you don't at least give it a rub on the ejection port every so often. I made it about 600-750 rounds without cleaning before I had an issue. It didn't stop cycling, I just couldn't manually rack the slide. I've never had repeatable issues like that on any other gun.
If they're not shit tier, you can just keep adding lube
It’s depressing as shit that I have to vote to keep my rights. It’s become clear to me over the years that most people are retarded.
And when I say “retarded”, I’m not talking about you beautiful, crayon-eating, hold my beer, look what I can do, WeekendGunnit type retards. That is freedom. The freedom to enjoy a silly break from your daily grind. I know you fine folks are all competent individuals that get shit done in the real world.
Im talking about people with legit mental disabilities. The kind of people you have to help go to the bathroom. The ones that are always drooling. The ones that are addicted to TV, and can’t think for themselves. The ones that need to be kept calm with ice cream, so they don’t say embarrassing things about Cornpop or grope a minor. These people are terrified that they will be publicly outed as incompetent. They go out of their way to do things that look good, but accomplish nothing. It’s all hollow, form over function, bullshit that only makes temporary happy emotions. “Look at me, I did a thing. I’m smart. I’m definitely not retarded. Please don’t look too closely…” Those are the retards pulling the levers of power today.
So I’m sad about the state of the world right now, frens….
As bad as things are now, do you know what makes it worse? I just bought a fucking used minivan... And in this economy I’m paying 9% for the privilege to drive this stinky, piece-of-shit, miniature school bus.
So my important questions for this month are:
What should I do with the damn van?
Can I make it a technical?
Is my life over?
Should I end it all? If so, what is the best caliber for blowing my brains out?
Let me know, frens. ;)
Final note: Please take the time to vote for the least-retarded option on your ballot. It might not help, but it can’t hurt either.
It's the people that look like they know what they're doing that are the real threat.
Your average dildo in sweatpants at china mart is mostly just a farm animal/cas-evac waiting to happen.
It's the motherfuckers that think they know what's best for others that are the real problem. Not the people that want to be left alone.
You're gonna need to do that van like the A team.
Damn right.
Don’t be mad, Scruff… I have never seen the A Team… Is it worth it? I only know Mr. T from Rocky III.
Have you ever wanted to see people use improbable solutions to straightforward tactical problems?
Do you like full auto mini-14s fired at the ground? They're AC556s I think in the full auto variant.
Lol, the mini 14. Some people think it's as good as an AR. Lol.
It's worth a look just because. But then since I'm an old bastard I like stuff like Miami Vice and Magnum PI.
I legit fucking love Miami Vice.
Find torrents or go to a secondhand videogame/comic book store and get a vhs player and find tapes or something.
Uncle Ted called those retards "over-socialized"
No, not that Uncle Ted, the crazier one that's now in prison.
I want a van too, but the car market is so fucked and I refuse to play their games. As for the APC conversion make sure to upgrade the suspension and tires to support the additional weight.
Yep, now is NOT the time to buy.
One dealership near me made a big deal to point out they’re not allowed to sell new cars above MSRP.
Want to guess what they did?
All their 2022/2023 vehicles became “dealer transport vehicles” meaning the staff were allowed to drive them personally. Once they had 2,000 miles or so on them they would sell them as “gently used” and mark them up 20% over MSRP.
Rucking Fidiculous
Don't think of it as a van.
Think of it as a discount APC, minus the A.
Unless you give it the killdozer treatment, then it can be an APC. Then just add some firing ports.
Maybe I can make it sound cool. Let me try:
An APC with sunshades to protect the sensitive eyes of the soldiers within it.
An APC with a built in vacuum to handle those “oopsies” and stay clean between ops.
An APC that has screens so you can play COD to simulate missions.
An APC with an incredibly fuel efficient four-cylinder with tens of horsepower.
Maybe a rescue team could use the car seat anchor points to rappel down and retrieve my lifeless body after I jump off a bridge.
Ok that last one might be kinda cool…
I like panel vans myself. So much easier to pile into, no windows so it's not obvious to traffic that you've got a knife to someone's nutsack and are throttling them for Intel, and quick to get out of when you're getting hosed down with a gpmg.
Knife to the nutsack?
Thought we were past those kinds of incivilities. Thought we'd all collectively decided to move on to shock-prod enemas.
Look, I'd just be grilling a satani-pedo about how many tendies are in thier freezer, it's not like I'm trying to find out troop movements or the location of individuals in a chain of command.
I'm not a monster.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
Just think how many tendies are hiding in the Congresscritters places, or in a certain secretary's place.
Compensators on a pistol. Which ones will work with factory 115 gr?
Yeah, I'm building a Fauxland. Already have the frame and slide with optics cut and threaded barrel
I never even considered comps on handguns I knew they exist I just thought it was bullseye shooting fad and became a cosmetic enhancement tell you what guys they retroactively turned 'rice' as in 'ricer' as in slow loud Honda Civics into an acronym it now stands for 'Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancement' and that term is now used in communities where guys show off their customized Linux desktops, and I think the gun community should adopt that acronym because it's pretty much fuckin true most guys lately I've seen with riced glocks like the TiN barrel and all sorts of funky slide cuts and flared magwells at the range look like they've never been in a competition and fumble with mags, but I suppose they at least hit the paper I did see some guys once with a hipoint and it almost became a problem solved because it malfunctioned and they tried to clear it while finger on trigger staring down muzzle holy shit public unsupervised ranges are both amazing and terrifying
That's why I always have a gun that's loaded and concealed even while I'm shooting other guns.
Until you forget and do drills with that one and burn $50 in JHPs.
I wondered why that mag felt spicy.
It was a sign that it was time to swap for fresh lead pills.
Also, why are JHPs so expensive? Are they not cast and swaged like every other bullet?
I'd gather they're expensive because people will pay it lol.
I mean, they are like little jewels when they're shiny. I like how Hornady ammo looks.
Depends on multiple thing... There is weak ass 115gr like Winchester white box, or holy shit I think my gun exploded 115gr Fiocchi
Comps need gas pressure to work right an do their job.
You could also use a lighter main spring, but don't go to light or your striker spring will maybe overpower it and push the slide out of battery
Question: I just paid cash for a diesel Landcruiser
pics or it didn't happen
How do I post a pic of truck/no toes?
I even circled the steering wheel for you retards
Because they’re primarily designed for concealed carry and eurocucks can’t defend themselves. I doubt the export market is lucrative enough to justify the research $ to make one just for bubba to say “I ain’t gonna carry no European gun cuz I ain’t a gatdang faggot”
Bubba needs to try a CZ.
I know. I used to be Bubba.
I only bought American until I tried a CZ. Shit now half my safe is foreign.
It’s the accuracy and comfort that sold me on them.
My double action is long and heavy, but it feels smooth to me. I’m not too picky about triggers though, to be honest.
After that first shot it goes to SA, and I have zero complaints about SA.
There are stupid import laws, but Beretta for example had the Nano and I think those were made in the US factory. It seems like it's just too saturated of a market for most of the euro manufacturers to bother letting their US factories tool up for that.
CZ would be a good bell weather for Euro consumer desires. The Czech Republic permits conceal carry and I think it's a popular thing to do as it's an assumed privilege if you are permitted to own a handgun. I would think if micro 9s aren't popular with Czechs is because anyone serious about conceal carry can figure out how to conceal a full-sized or compact handgun just as easily, so why bother with something that's smaller and harder to shoot well.