If you can't beat 'em, join em, THEN BEAT THEM FROM THE INSIDE!!!
A C96 with more plastic then Pete Burns face.
It's like H.P. Lovecraft and H.R. Geiger got shitfaced at a Winchester company party and this is what came of it.
It's... beautiful...
Now that's a fun shopping cart ride!
I want this fucking abomination of nature and all things good in my file.
It's not tyranny! We're free to do what ever they tell us!
Hello, fellow patriot! Would you like to MAGA?
Clearly approved by Horizontal Harris.
Socialist gun culture be like "haha please stand against wall and wait for flash, Comrade Useful Idiot".
It's your boy here, Deus Ex, saying FUCK YOU I WAS RIGHT!!!
The trick is to have so much stuff on your list it's in a state of constant integer overflow.